Monday, March 14, 2016's about that time - Baby K - 4 Weeks!

Obviously, I couldn't post baby updates in real time on the blog, since we had not made our announcement yet. I've been trying to document as much of our little journey as I can, so I'll be posting our belated weekly updates soon!!!

Josh and I decided before we even got married that we wanted to wait a while before trying for kids. While we're both very excited for the journey ahead of us, we are very grateful for the time we've had together to appreciate each other and grow as a couple. We were in no hurry to have kids and I can't tell you how much the "It's about time" comments annoy me. That's another story for another day though...

Anyway, we decided to start trying for Baby K while we were in Peru. It was a quick decision, but we decided we were ready to jump headfirst into this baby thing. God had other plans and He decided that timing wasn't perfect for us. In hindsight, I definitely agree. Both our bodies were under a lot of stress during that trip, so who knows how that may have ended anyway? We had a lot going on in October, including another trip, so we held off on trying until after we returned from Iceland. Then in November...BAM! The journey began! Here's what's happened so far:

4 weeks + 2 days
December 2, 2015

We found out we were pregnant with Baby K today! We were not expecting it since we had a negative early response test just a couple days before. My first reaction was that I needed to take another test, because this one was clearly wrong! Josh said the same thing. I told Josh I needed to do another one, but I didn't have anymore pee! Somehow, I found enough pee to re-test. 5 more pee sticks later, still positive! 

We hugged, but didn't get too excited, because it just seemed fake. Josh hopped in the shower and I went to login to work and call my dr. Reality started to set in. I started to realize there was actually a little Baby K just getting started in my belly. In the meantime, Josh was planning Baby K's first trip to Disney! Whoa!!! Slow down, daddy, I have to finish growing this kid first!

I called the dr and we were going to go in to confirm pregnancy. She said at that point, they just do a urine test. I politely said no thanks, I think 6 of those are enough for one day. I didn't make an appointment since we didn't plan to stay with that practice throughout the pregnancy. We had visited a birthing center back in October and we both loved it, so we were already decided on that. I called Baby & Co. to let them know we got a positive test and get our first appointment scheduled! They begin seeing patients at 10-12 weeks, so provided nothing goes wrong between now and then, our first appointment is scheduled for January 15! 

We're holding off on telling most people, but we did tell Aunt Anna and Uncle John today. We live just houses down, so there was definitely no avoiding this! We also told Auntie Jen and other Uncle John. We've decided to wait to tell family until Christmas! It will be a nice little extra Christmas present that no one is expecting! 

Baby K is the size of a waterbear (or poppy seed) this week! Just a tiny, tiny little spec! It's hard to believe that this little one will be growing into a little Kinlaw so soon!

We have a lot to do before the baby gets here, and we both agreed that it would be best to spread projects throughout the whole pregnancy. 40 weeks sounds like a long time until you make a list of the things you would like to accomplish in 40 weeks! Well, really, 36 weeks at this point! Talk about overwhelming!!! 

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