Thursday, March 31, 2016

Baby K - 19 Weeks!

19 Weeks
March 14, 2016

Our Squishy is the size of a hedgehog (or a zucchini) - about 6 inches - this week! The baby's coordination is starting to improve and senses are starting to form. The baby is developing its vernix caseosa, which is a coating that will moisturize its skin and help the baby travel through the birth canal in August!

I woke up with my first cramp in my calf this morning. I tried to stretch it out and that was a mistake! It hurt really bad and I think I over stretched it a bit. As a result, I skipped yoga and opted for a lunch time walk instead. That seemed to loosen things up. On the bright side - this is the first week that I can for sure say I've been feeling the baby. There have been several occasions over the past month where I thought I may have felt the baby, but it could have been gas, a muscle twitch or something else.

As for me, I'm starting to feel really tired again. Now, my trouble seems to be getting a full night of sleep. I will wake up because I'm hungry or I have to pee - or maybe just because I'm not comfortable. Then it will take me FOREVER to get back to sleep. Sometimes, I can't fall back asleep at all, even though I'm exhausted.

Josh is doing well and he's definitely getting my cravings. I don't know that I've had what I would call a craving yet - definitely not to the extent of what I've heard other women talk about. I've had no desire to ask Josh to go to the store to pick up anything specific. I rarely even WANT anything specific. Josh has developed a little bit of a sweet tooth and if you know him, you know that's not normal. 

As far as progress, we haven't made very much. Jen and John came to visit this past weekend, so we did get the guest room cleaned up and that closet organized. Unfortunately, that meant some things went back into the nursery closet. It's not what either of us wanted, but we needed a little more time to figure out what we would keep and what we would get rid of, etc. It's our priority this week to get that closet cleaned out again. We've made some progress on nights after work, but it's been a busy week, so it hasn't been as productive as we would like. We hope to get it back on track over the weekend.

We did have an ultrasound on Wednesday, the 16th! Yay! It was very quick - not really what I was expecting. We got to see our little one and things are looking good. The baby weighs about 10 ounces! Almost one of the ~14 pounds that I have gained so far! Yay! We're measuring right on time, just one day behind my estimated due date. My placenta is anterior, which just means it's positioned between the baby and my belly, so it may still be a few weeks before we can feel the baby on the outside. Sometimes, I'll put my hand on my belly and get excited because I think I might feel the baby, then I realize it's just my pulse. 

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