Friday, May 29, 2015

My Green Thumb is getting GREENER!

We've tried gardening in years past, but we haven't had a ton of luck. We had several issues at our last house. Not enough sun, the groundhog that lived under our neighbor's deck, limited space, you name it. Josh and I both grew up with our families having gardens and we both agreed that we definitely wanted one here. There was so much going on and so many projects we wanted to do, we talked about putting it off until next year. We decided to prioritize, tough it out and just make it happen. I couldn't be more glad! 

This is (almost) our whole garden this morning. Note the NC State flag. :-) I bought it with the mailbox in mind, but now that we have flowers blooming in there, I kind of want to just leave that area alone. I planted Cosmos on the other side of the picket fence on Monday, so the garden should have flowers around it soon! I have other plans for in front of the garden. :-D

 Our first little baby bell

A little habanero blooming. I'm not a huge fan of a lot of heat, but Josh wanted to grow lots of hot peppers. I told him to go for it. I don't love habaneros, but I am looking forward to using them (in very small amounts) to add some variations to some dishes I already love! 

 This is a baby Dragon Cayenne. This plant was looking pretty sad for a while, but it's bouncing back and looks great now!

 This is my massive Spaghetti Squash. It was planted from seed and is probably the biggest plant in the garden right now. The slightly different leaves just to the left is the cucumber plant (also planted from seed) The spaghetti squash was only planted a week before the cucumber and it is about 5 times the size. It also gets more sun, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

 These are our Pink Brandywine tomatoes We have several little tomatoes on the plant and lots of blooms.

This is our Bonnie Original tomato. This one has more tomatoes than the Brandywine. We're experimenting with a new watering technique and it seems to be doing very well. Even though this tomato plant gets the least amount of sunlight in the garden, it's growing the fastest.

A look at the bucket. I've been filling this thing up almost every day, so that is one thirsty plant! The stick you see was put there as a ladder for Kermit. He ran off one day and hasn't been back. :-/

These are our Roma tomatoes. We got 2 of these plants, so we definitely shouldn't have any shortage this year!

The little tomato plant you see here was started as a seed. It had a slow start, but it has taken off over the last few weeks! We have 2 of these plants. It's a Honey Delight Tomato and I'm really looking forward to trying it!

So, we have 4 varieties of tomatoes and 6 plants total. We may have actually gone a little overboard.

Same goes for squash and zucchini. Maybe we got a little carried away with those too. We've talked to the Martins about doing kind of a garden share. We planted 2 each of squash and zucchini and they did the same. We're going to have a TON! Luckily, we got different varieties of squash and zucchini than they did, so at least we'll have a little variation, right?

 Here's our first little baby zucchini

 Here's our first little baby squash. We got the crooked neck and the Martins got straight squash. We always planted the crooked neck squash growing up, but I think it's been a while since I've had any since it's not what you typically find in the grocery store.

 Here are our sugar snap peas. We rigged up a little trellis for them. I'm not so sure it's going to be tall enough, but hopefully we can still make it work! We need to put another line of twine up, they're growing so fast! 

 We don't have any blooms or peas yet, but it looks like we'll have some in no time! I can't wait to throw some of these in some stir fry! 

 This is some Okra. We have a full row of it, so we should have plenty this summer. I think there are 12 plants total. It started quite slow, but now that it's getting warmer, it's doing really well. Here are the beginnings of a tiny little bloom!

Here is some lettuce I grew from a lettuce stump. It's not doing so hot. Even though I chose a shady area of the garden, I think it's still getting too much sun. I would like to build a little planter to put on our patio or porch for it. That way it will be just outside the door and I can go grab some for salads really easily. Hopefully I'll get around to that soon!

We also have onions that are doing really well, carrots that are just sprouting (I planted those late), some peppers I started from seed (too they're still tiny) and asparagus that I just planted a couple weeks ago. I'm looking forward to watching these things progress too!

All in all, our garden is doing really well so far and I'm SO glad we took the time to plant it! Hopefully in the next couple weeks, we'll be picking things from the garden!

Friday Favorites

TGIF! TGIF! Why is it that short weeks so often feel longer than regular weeks? 

Anyhow, here are my favorites from this past week.

1) Daves visit!!! - One of our best friends from MD visited last weekend and he brought a mutual friend with him. They got here Thursday evening and we spent the weekend catching up, lounging, touring breweries and trying new restaurants, along with some of our favorites! We had such a great time with them and we were both sad to see them go. Dave is the friend we lived in while we waited to move to NC. Bailey LOVES him, so she was super excited to see him too!

This is us at Trophy. Delicious pizzas and yummy beer!

2) Pack 9/impromptu date- Wolfpack baseball made it to the ACC Championship game! After everyone had left Sunday, we had planned to work in the yard some. Josh asked if I wanted to go to the game instead, so we did! Unfortunately, we didn't win. We didn't decide we were going to go until the 2nd inning and we didn't actually get to the game until the top of the 6th, so we missed the best part. Either way, we both had fun. 

The view from our seats. Not too shabby!

Since we had driven all the way to Durham, we decided to grab lunch while we were there. We walked over to Bull City Burger and Brewery and Oh. My. Goodness, their burgers are delicious! They get everything local and they even have a little sheet that tells you where they get most of their ingredients. Super cool! We ordered the secret burger. It's secret because you don't know what's on it until you get it. He did give us a hint and tell us it had a sunny side up egg on it (we asked and he said as long as that didn't scare us away, we would be fine) - it normally would have scared me away, but I decided to be adventurous. I am SO glad I did! We also got the duckfat frites. YUM!

Our burger had duckfat frites, a sunnyside up egg, bacon marmalade and truffle aioli on it. It tasted even more delicious than it sounds. Luckily, we halved the burger and fries. It was plenty for the two of us. We each ordered a beer and they did not disappoint either. We would definitely go back!

3) Bermuda - No, we're not going to Bermuda...that would be nice...but we do finally have some in our back yard! I was SO paranoid that we had wasted a full weekend prepping and seeding our yard, but so far, the hard work has paid off. It's still fragile, so we have to make sure we stay on top of watering and try not to walk on it for a bit, but we've got a good start so far. Josh noticed the first sprouts Sunday, which was a week after we seeded. It's coming up steadily and we're hoping it spreads well into the areas it hasn't come up yet. We're also hoping for some solid rain soon!

 It's coming in nice and thick! Obviously we still have some rye grass that should be dying off as it gets hotter. We definitely still have some weeds and crab grass. We'll be treating for those as soon as we can, but we have to wait quite a few weeks so we don't kill our new grass babies!

4) Chaise - I've been looking for furniture for our sitting room for quite a while. Josh wanted to make sure we got something comfortable and I wanted it to be cute. Neither of us wanted to spend a fortune. We ended up snagging this chaise from Wayfair. It fit all our needs AND I had a coupon that made it even cheaper! There was another one that I liked a bit better, but it was significantly more AND it was out of stock until at least July, meaning we wouldn't get it until around August. I also preferred this color to the other one. It's in the bedroom, but we haven't assembled it yet. I'll post a picture once we have it put together and in place.

5) More garden progress - Our garden is still doing great! I might actually do a separate post on this so I can go into more detail about what we have and a couple things that we're trying out this year! I'm super excited to be picking our very own produce this summer! We're already starting to plan for cool weather crops too! 

6) Fire - I mentioned last week that we got a fire pit. Josh and I stayed up late Sunday night by the fire and it was SO relaxing. Being by a fire in the mountains is just as relaxing to me as laying on a beach. Maybe even more. We're obviously not in the mountains here, but it's quiet enough to be super relaxing. We even got to see some fireworks that someone nearby was shooting off. They were short and sweet, then we got back to relaxing by the fire. We just took the time to enjoy each others company and reflect on us. It was some great, much needed, relaxing for sure!

Our first ever fire in our fire pit.

7) BBQ - We had a pork shoulder that we had planned to smoke when we had friends in town, but it just didn't happen. What better time that Memorial day to smoke it?!? Despite staying up late on Sunday, I got up early and started the day long process of smoking a big 'ole pork shoulder! It smelled heavenly. I finally woke Josh up after it had been in the smoker for a while. I had just checked on it, so I smelled just like the smoker. Josh said it was an amazing smell to wake up to. lol. It turned out was definitely the best BBQ we've ever made! We had the Mortons over and Andrew made DELICIOUS green beans. We had corn on the cob and corn bread. I made 2 flavors of homemade butter. It was an all around great meal! The Martins came over later and we just hung out for a bit. It was a really nice day.

We plan on getting a smoker soon. We've talked about getting one as a joint gift for our anniversary, so maybe really soon! We're doing lots of research, but if you have one that you love, suggestions are welcome!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Friday Favorites!!!

2 Weeks worth of favorites right here! I know it's not Friday, but it's my Friday, so I'm posting today anyway. :-D

1) Parks Visit - Our Friends Bryan and Kristen visited from MD. Bryan made crab cakes for dinner. We made loaded baked potatoes and corn on the cob to have with them. Everything was so good! We stayed up late playing games on Friday night. Everyone except me slept in on Saturday. Not because I didn't want to. I would have loved to. My body just didn't want to. I got up and assembled the patio furniture that we had picked up from Sears on Friday. 

We went to Beasley's Chicken and Honey for brunch on Saturday. Everything was SO good! We'll definitely be going back! After Beasley's, we went to Crank Arm since Kristen likes random bike things. They had human sized Jenga, which sounds completely awesome! It's not completely awesome. It kind of sucks, actually. You're talking, enjoying your company, then all of a sudden you hear a loud crash and it scares the daylights out of you. Human sized Jenga is not awesome and I no longer want to build a set for our yard. The End.

We stopped by the new Cabella's on the way home to pick up some bait since Josh and Bryan wanted to go fishing. Kristen and I lounged a little then started to prep for dinner. We had planned to make BBQ at home, but since it's kind of a whole day process, it didn't happen. In hindsight, we should have smoked it during the day on Friday. We just ran to a place down the street and picked some up. We just lounged and watched TV (which of course means me falling asleep on the couch around 10:00).

Sunday morning Bryan made us brunch with the leftover crab cakes. He made eggs benedict...but with crab cakes. Yes Please! I need the Parks to come back to visit soon!!!

2) Garden Progress - Our garden is still going strong! Everything is getting so big! I definitely look forward to the day when I can go grab a tomato or zucchini fresh out of the garden! We made a little trellis for the sugar snap peas and they are climbing it like a champ! Unfortunately, the Crab Grass is also growing like a champ. We really need to just hang out in the garden for like a day to pick all the grass and weeds. I went out to check it this morning and I found a baby tomato! I meant to go back out to take a picture, but I didn't get a chance before it started raining. YAY for some rain finally!!!

3) Patio Furniture - As I mentioned above, we got patio furniture for our covered deck area. This is the set we got.

4) Fire Pit - We got our fire pit this past to just get the patio installed. We're one step closer to our awesome outdoor entertaining area!

5) Brad Paisley - We went to see Brad Paisley this past Saturday and had a great time! He put on a great show. Justin Moore and Mickey Guyton opened for him. Mickey was pretty good, but Justin Moore was great! Even though he's got a new album out, Brad Paisley performed a lot of old songs. I didn't leave wishing he had played something that he didn't play, so I consider it a win!

Waiting for the show to start!

6) The Wire - Since we lived in MD, I've always wanted to watch The Wire. I heard everyone talk about it, but we never got around to watching it. Well, we finally started watching it this week! We're only 2 episodes in, but we're really enjoying it so far!

7) Revenge - My favorite show is gone. The series finale was the weekend before last and the red sharpie is no more. It's bittersweet. I'm happy with how things ended, but I miss Emily Thorne/Amanda Clarke being in my life!

8) Daily Burn - I started this new program on Daily Burn this week and I really like it so far! My boss told me about Daily Burn and I thought I would give it a shot. SO glad she told me about it. It's not free, but it's not expensive and there's a 30 day free trial. If I'm not sticking with it after a couple months, I'll cancel it. Either way, it's much cheaper than paying a gym membership and the features make it worth the $13 a month. I'm doing Cardio Sculpt and I'm really enjoying it so far!

9) 9/80 Schedule - Before we moved and I started working from home, I was off every other Friday. Basically, I worked 80 hours in 9 days rather than 10. I'll be starting that again the week after next! Since my team's workload has change a little since I was last on the schedule, my off day will now be Monday, so I'll be off every other Monday starting June 8. Woohoo!

10) Short work week and long weekend - We have more friends coming to visit this weekend! They'll be coming in sometime today, so Josh and I both took tomorrow off work. Since Monday is Memorial Day, we both have it off work, so we have a 4 day week, a 4 day weekend, then another 4 day week! I actually have a few 4 day weeks and 4 day weekends coming up. I took June 5 off for our anniversary and June 8 is my first off Monday, so that's 2 more 4 day weeks and another 4 day weekend for me! Score! After four 4 day weeks, it's gonna be hard to go back to a 5 day work week!

11) Anniversary Cake - We won't pick it up until the day before our anniversary, but we ordered our anniversary cake (and some extras) this week! I am SO excited about this! We got our first anniversary cake, but we haven't gotten any since then. Our tradition is to watch our wedding video on our anniversary every year. One of my favorite things about our wedding was our cake, so I'm super excited to have some of that to go along with it!!!

Here's our wedding cake. I still love it!

12) Call from Z - We miss all our MD friends, but we miss our Smiths something fierce! These past couple weeks in particular, I've been missing MD people and things. I told Josh either our friends have great timing with their visits, and they're coming when they knew I would need to see them (The Parks the week before last and the Daves this week)...OR with them all coming, it makes me miss MD more. Either way, I'm happy to visit with them. This past weekend, Josh and I were on our way back home from Lowe's and I got a call from Zachary. He had taken Jen's phone and started calling people. It made my heart smile.

This is from when the Smiths came to visit earlier this year (specifically, right after we found out we were going to the Sweet 16!)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekend Yard Work

This past weekend was VERY busy, but I definitely got 2 solid workouts on Saturday and Sunday!

We had originally planned to put sod down in our back yard, but after looking at pricing and availability (it wasn't going to happen until July or August), we decided to try seed it first. It was a lengthy and tiresome process, but hopefully we get a nice, plush yard out of it all!

We had already gone to Lowe's to pick up the seed, fertilizer, spreader and other things we thought we might need on Friday. Lowe's had the blocks we put around our mailbox flower bed on sale, so we picked up a bunch of those for other flower beds. We have enough to go around the flower beds in the front yard and do at least some of the ones we plan to put in the back yard.

Anna and John were already renting an aerator from Home Depot, so we split the cost with them. It saved us both quite a bit of money! We plan to keep doing this every time we need to aerate.We Josh aerated the front and back yards.  While he aerated, I weeded. We have these bush-like prickly weeds that are starting to spread throughout our yard, so I went through and pulled as many of those and dandelions as I could. Once that was finished, we started tilling the back yard. The directions on the the packaging of grass seed said to rake to loosen the top layer of soil. We tried that, but we have HARD clay, so a garden rake didn't loosen anything. We decided to till the yard a little to give the seed a better chance. 

 Josh tilling

The tilling took FOREVER. We were going to see Brad Paisley play Saturday night, so we actually didn't get a chance to finish. We traded off tilling while the other did other things to prep. We did get seed down in the front yard (we didn't till the front, so it didn't take as long to prep).

We had a great time at the concert, but we got to bed really late, so we got a later start than we hoped on Sunday. My body doesn't let me sleep in much, so I got up and put the sprinkler on the front yard and placed an order at Lowe's for some other things we needed. We decided to get more grass seed just in case and we did end up needing some. Now we'll have extra for any bare patches that we need to repair in the future. We also ordered a fire pit kit. We'll put it on our patio eventually, but until we have a patio to put it on, we have it in an area we plan to turn into a flower garden right in front of the vegetable garden. This is the kit we got. It's 20% off right now. Today is the last day of the sale if you want one! I also had a 10% off coupon, so it was even cheaper! I didn't use any adhesive since we plan to move it, but it was really easy to put together!

While I was unloading the fire pit kit and putting it together, Josh was tilling. I was all tilled out after Saturday tilling. Josh was too, but he was a trooper and finished tilling the rest of the back yard. He was almost finished tilling when I finished putting the fire pit together, so I started putting seed out. After I finished seeding, Josh started putting the fertilizer out and I raked over everything with the garden rake. Next, it was time to water...A. LOT. We are definitely not looking forward to our next water bill. We have guestimated that it will probably triple. Hopefully the forecast will change and we'll get more rain! 

 Setting up the sprinkler in the back yard once all the seed and fertilizer was put down

This is us watering the front yard. Since this didn't need to be tilled or anything, it looks a lot better than the back yard right now. Hopefully all the bare spots will fill in and we'll get seed growing in the areas that only have rye grass right now. 

Now, we just have to water water water...and wait. I'll update in a couple weeks...hopefully I'll have good news!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Recap of the past few weeks

It seems pointless to post a Friday Favorites post on Wednesday, especially when you're covering more than just the past week. How do I let myself get so far behind?!? 

Moving's what we've had going on since I posted last. I've been absolutely horrible at taking pictures, so there aren't many of those to share, unfortunately. 


We've been doing quite a bit of gardening, which I love!!! We planted our garden a few weeks ago. I posted a picture right after we had the majority of the things planted, but since then, we've planted a couple more things and everything has gotten so much bigger! We also put a little fence around it to keep the curious pups out. 

This is right after everything was planted.

 This is a couple days ago. 

 Sugar snap peas. They are already looking for something to climb! We'll be making a trellis for them this week.

This is a spaghetti squash I started from seed. This guy is growing fast! 

Roma Tomatoes!

In addition to the vegetable garden, I've been busy trying to pretty up our yard a little. One afternoon after work, I made this little flower bed around our mailbox while Josh cut the grass. I planted Iris bulbs in it. Since then, several of them have sprouted and I added a few more things. I put some Petunias in there so I can have something pretty until the Irisis bloom and I added a few Sedum plants that will spread and provide pretty groundcover. I planted Shasta Daisy seeds, but they won't bloom until next year. 

 I love the way it turned out! These are the stones I used.

My Iris bulbs are sprouting!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing them bloom!

We're not usually big on going to concerts. We usually feel like they're not worth the money, so we only go when we find really cheap tickets. 

On Cinco de Mayo, we went to see John Fogerty. Josh won the tickets at work, so they were free! It doesn't get better than that! We had some friends come with us and we ate at Calavera before the show and it was delicious! It's like a 2 minute walk from Josh's office, so I just met him there and we walked together. 
This is the only picture we took at the show. We actually had "box" seats, but we ended up sitting on the lawn with everybody else for the show.

Last Thursday, we went to see Jason Isbell and Zac Brown Band. Both acts were awesome! The weather was was a great show all together! 

I did get kicked out of the men's bathroom though. That kind of sucked. I should have taken a picture of how long the women's line was, but I didn't. I've waited in lots of long bathroom lines, but never one this long. It was ridiculous. Josh talked me into just going to the men's bathroom with him. We decided I would be fine if he was with me and he could just watch the stall for me. I decided there's no way it could be dirtier than the women's bathroom I had just gone in and I could save at least 30 minutes of my life. I went for it. NOPE...the security guard wasn't having it. Back to an even longer line for the women's bathroom than I left behind. Oh well, I get points for trying, right?

 This is us waiting for the show. We loved where we sat. We're going to go see Brad Paisley here on Saturday and I think we might try to get those same seats in the lawn even though we have real seats for this show. :-)

Daddy got a new puppy about a month ago and he brought her to visit shortly after. She is SO cute!

Meet Bailey's little aunt...
 She'll grow into it soon!

 They took turns chasing each other around the house. So cute!

Tired pup!

When daddy came to visit, he also installed a flood light on our grilling deck for us, installed an outdoor fan on our covered porch and moved our breakfast nook light over. I'll post pictures of these things eventually. :-)