Friday, May 29, 2015

My Green Thumb is getting GREENER!

We've tried gardening in years past, but we haven't had a ton of luck. We had several issues at our last house. Not enough sun, the groundhog that lived under our neighbor's deck, limited space, you name it. Josh and I both grew up with our families having gardens and we both agreed that we definitely wanted one here. There was so much going on and so many projects we wanted to do, we talked about putting it off until next year. We decided to prioritize, tough it out and just make it happen. I couldn't be more glad! 

This is (almost) our whole garden this morning. Note the NC State flag. :-) I bought it with the mailbox in mind, but now that we have flowers blooming in there, I kind of want to just leave that area alone. I planted Cosmos on the other side of the picket fence on Monday, so the garden should have flowers around it soon! I have other plans for in front of the garden. :-D

 Our first little baby bell

A little habanero blooming. I'm not a huge fan of a lot of heat, but Josh wanted to grow lots of hot peppers. I told him to go for it. I don't love habaneros, but I am looking forward to using them (in very small amounts) to add some variations to some dishes I already love! 

 This is a baby Dragon Cayenne. This plant was looking pretty sad for a while, but it's bouncing back and looks great now!

 This is my massive Spaghetti Squash. It was planted from seed and is probably the biggest plant in the garden right now. The slightly different leaves just to the left is the cucumber plant (also planted from seed) The spaghetti squash was only planted a week before the cucumber and it is about 5 times the size. It also gets more sun, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

 These are our Pink Brandywine tomatoes We have several little tomatoes on the plant and lots of blooms.

This is our Bonnie Original tomato. This one has more tomatoes than the Brandywine. We're experimenting with a new watering technique and it seems to be doing very well. Even though this tomato plant gets the least amount of sunlight in the garden, it's growing the fastest.

A look at the bucket. I've been filling this thing up almost every day, so that is one thirsty plant! The stick you see was put there as a ladder for Kermit. He ran off one day and hasn't been back. :-/

These are our Roma tomatoes. We got 2 of these plants, so we definitely shouldn't have any shortage this year!

The little tomato plant you see here was started as a seed. It had a slow start, but it has taken off over the last few weeks! We have 2 of these plants. It's a Honey Delight Tomato and I'm really looking forward to trying it!

So, we have 4 varieties of tomatoes and 6 plants total. We may have actually gone a little overboard.

Same goes for squash and zucchini. Maybe we got a little carried away with those too. We've talked to the Martins about doing kind of a garden share. We planted 2 each of squash and zucchini and they did the same. We're going to have a TON! Luckily, we got different varieties of squash and zucchini than they did, so at least we'll have a little variation, right?

 Here's our first little baby zucchini

 Here's our first little baby squash. We got the crooked neck and the Martins got straight squash. We always planted the crooked neck squash growing up, but I think it's been a while since I've had any since it's not what you typically find in the grocery store.

 Here are our sugar snap peas. We rigged up a little trellis for them. I'm not so sure it's going to be tall enough, but hopefully we can still make it work! We need to put another line of twine up, they're growing so fast! 

 We don't have any blooms or peas yet, but it looks like we'll have some in no time! I can't wait to throw some of these in some stir fry! 

 This is some Okra. We have a full row of it, so we should have plenty this summer. I think there are 12 plants total. It started quite slow, but now that it's getting warmer, it's doing really well. Here are the beginnings of a tiny little bloom!

Here is some lettuce I grew from a lettuce stump. It's not doing so hot. Even though I chose a shady area of the garden, I think it's still getting too much sun. I would like to build a little planter to put on our patio or porch for it. That way it will be just outside the door and I can go grab some for salads really easily. Hopefully I'll get around to that soon!

We also have onions that are doing really well, carrots that are just sprouting (I planted those late), some peppers I started from seed (too they're still tiny) and asparagus that I just planted a couple weeks ago. I'm looking forward to watching these things progress too!

All in all, our garden is doing really well so far and I'm SO glad we took the time to plant it! Hopefully in the next couple weeks, we'll be picking things from the garden!

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