Thursday, March 31, 2016

Baby K - 21 Weeks!

March 28, 2016

This week, Baby K is the size of a Least Weasel or baby bok choy - about 10.5 inches. (At this point, I can't decide if 10.5 inches sounds tiny or huge). This week, our little Squishy is developing its nerves and is working on putting on some cute baby fat! The baby should weigh about 3/4 of a lb by now. 

I'm starting to really notice myself growing now. I'm still tired this week, but it's better than last. I've been a little crampy here and there, but nothing too bad. I feel like I'm hungry a lot more lately and I can officially say I've had my first pregnancy craving! Of all things, it was a hot dog. I'm not typically a huge fan of hot dogs, but we had a pretty good one while we were in Iceland that had french fried onions on it. Anyway, I wanted one bad enough to drive down the street to go buy hot dog buns for it. That's a definite first for me. Usually, I don't want anything bad enough to even walk downstairs to get it. I'm actually quite excited about it, to be honest. Another exciting thing is that I'm feeling the baby move more and more this week. We still can't really feel the baby move on the outside and since my placenta is anterior, it may be several more weeks before that happens. I think I have felt it very lightly on the outside on one night. I had gotten up in the middle of the night and I was pretty much laying on my hand with my belly. I was in JUST the right position at the right time. I tried to get the baby to do it again when we woke up in the morning, but it was being stubborn.

As far as progress goes - we made some this week! Yay! We ordered the dresser that matches our crib and I ordered some more diapers to add to our stash. We should be able to pick the dresser up at the store by the end of next week, so I'm definitely looking forward to picking it up and starting to organize the nursery more. Now our diaper stash will have a more permanent home!

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