Monday, March 14, 2016

Baby K - 9 Weeks!

9 weeks
January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

Baby K is the size of an Eastern tailed-blue butterfly (or a pecan), about an inch long, this week. Baby is no longer considered an embryo, it's a tiny little fetus now! Its bones are starting to harden this week, so I'm trying to make sure I'm getting enough calcium. They're still forming, but all the baby's essential body parts and muscles should be accounted for by now! Some of them are even starting to function on their own! Baby is even starting to develop taste buds! The baby's heart has been beating for a while now, but chances are good that we would be able to hear it with a doppler at this point. We have an appointment at the end of next week, so we're hopeful that we'll get to hear it then!

Morning sickness is still going strong. I would say this is probably the peak so far. If I still worked in my old office, I think I would have had to tell several co-workers by now. The worse parts seem to be around lunch time and bed time. I haven't gotten sick in the middle of the night yet, but I've been sleeping with the trashcan beside the bed this past week, just in case. Yuck! My crampiness and boob soreness are starting to decrease, so at least all the symptoms haven't been in full force at the same time. I am thankful for that.

We went this week to tour another birthing center in Chapel Hill. We love the one in Cary, but it is not in network with our insurance. We found out the one in Chapel Hill is in network, so even though it's twice the distance, we agreed to give it a chance. After the visit, we both still preferred our original choice, so we decided to stick with it. It will end up costing a little more, but we won't have to travel as far for appointments and for the delivery and we just like it better overall.

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