Friday, June 24, 2011

Bailey's Progress Report

Bailey will be 4 months on Sunday. I just can't believe how fast she's growing. I looked at pictures of when we first got her and she's SO much bigger already! She drives me crazy sometimes but I don't know what I would do without house would be too quiet quite. She is hilarious when we bring her in from her afternoon walk. This is usually her longest walk and she's just so excited that we're home for the day. She will grab a toy, run around the couch, under our feet, around the dining table, in the kitchen around the island and back into the living room. She does this about 4 or 5 times straight, full force. I just stare at her and laugh the whole time. She only stops when she drops her toy, she picks it up then she's back at it. She has always done this...not every day, but most days. She used to take a nap after the chaos. Now she just lays near us and chews her toy or play fetch. She doesn't take as many naps during the week, but I think that's because she naps a lot while we're at work. 

Bailey LOVES this bone. In the mornings right after she wakes up and in the evenings once we get home, she does this...
It's so darn cute! If you talk to her, she'll usually do it for a few minutes straight.

Potty Training
She hasn't had any accidents in over a week! She does still sprinkle a little when we come home, but she should grow out of this. We usually don't talk to her or pet her until we get her outside and she's had a chance to potty. Josh did pet her and talk to her when he came home from basketball Wednesday night, and she got a little too excited. We've been much better about sticking to a regular walking/watering schedule so I'm sure this has helped a lot.

Bailey did SO good in her puppy class this week. We practiced Sit/Stay, Down/Stay, Come and Heel. She did way better than all of the other dogs with "Come". She did great with Sit/Stay. Sometimes she will lay, but she's gotten much better about that. We were practicing at home earlier in the week. I told her to sit and stay then went to fold a sheet. I got carried away and folded the whole load of sheets. It took me at least 5 minutes before I realized I hadn't released her yet. She sat the whole time, with no breaks! I was so proud of her. You can throw her toys or treats in front of her and she will stay. I know this takes a lot of concentration for her to do so I'm very proud of her. If another dog walks by, she may or may not stay, but we're working on that :-). She did OK with Down/Stay. The floor is concrete and was very cold. She didn't like it. I got her blanket out of the car for her to lay on and she did MUCH better then. She's showing a LOT of improvement with Play Dead! It's like one day, she just understood what she was supposed to do. She knows what the command means now, but she doesn't always follow's like she forgets sometimes. Then sometimes she just blanks out and stares at you. It's funny most of the time, but it can be frustrating.

Other Random Progress
I haven't really posted much about her baths previously. She behaves well when we wash her, but she gets scared sometimes. She whines but she stays put. At least she doesn't go crazy. I know she'll get used to it eventually. I also want her to get used to the blow dryer so I can dry her off quickly in the winter time. She was terrified the first time I used it on her. She still doesn't like it, but she's getting so much better. I used to have to hold her in my lap the whole time. Now I can just have her sit and (sometimes) she will stay, but she still whines a little. She's also getting a little better about having her teeth brushed. 

We've decided to change her food. We just started transitioning yesterday. We still have about half a bag of her old food, so we'll do a slower than normal transition so we can use all of the old food up. She seems to like the new food, but she definitely realizes something is different. I personally think it stinks and smells like fish food. Josh says it smells like dog food. He thinks I'm crazy. I think he's crazy. It doesn't matter's better for her. I don't have to eat it, so I don't care what it smells like.

Bailey's teething is still going strong. It doesn't seem to bother her much though. She doesn't whine or seem to be in pain. She definitely has a high pain threshold. She doesn't flinch when she gets vaccinations. She shows no signs of pain while teething even though her gums bleed. I accidentally stepped on her foot earlier this week (with shoes on) and she didn't make a peep. She just looked at me like, "Watch where you're going woman!"

Bailey's Victims
Some of Bailey's favorite toys need some TLC. The hedgehog, which she's had since she has been home, has it's first major tear. It's on a seam and it will be easy for me to fix. They ladybug has the same sort of tear, and just like the hedgehod, it no longer makes the noise it's supposed to make. I took the noise maker out of the ladybug via the hole Bailey made for me and now I know why those toys don't make noise very long. The noise maker is a bag! Of course it's not going to last long when you have a puppy constantly chewing on it!

The raccoon's tail is hanging on by about 2 or 3 threads, but it will also be easy to fix. The puppy...well, that's another story. I think it's time for it to go to the toy graveyard. I hate to throw it away, because she loves it so much! I think it's really time to let go this time though. 

Today when we came home today, we found I think that makes 3 or 4 things that she's ruined. Still a little better than I expected when I got her. Of course, this was my fault for leaving it within her reach all day. At least I bought the cup on sale :-/
My Copco up. I loved it. The red band was in many more pieces that got swept up. She literally ate half the straw :-/ I sat it just within her reach this morning and I walked out the door without it. Bailey was glad. I was not.

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