Monday, October 31, 2011

The Big 25!

I'm 25! It's not a birthday that I've particularly looked forward to, but I still don't feel old, so that's good enough for me! This entire month has been very busy for us, so I really just wanted to relax. That's exactly what we've done! Friday after work, we were planning on going to a comedy club. As soon as we got home, I decided I didn't want to leave. We just stayed in and watched TV. We looked at the schedule for the comedy club and watched some videos from the comedians that are going to be there in the next few weeks. We have a Groupon that expires toward the end of November and decided to either next weekend or the weekend after that. 

Saturday was our designated lazy day for the month. I did cheat a bit and seal the grout before Josh woke up. It's supposed to be a lazy day for US, so I really wasn't that bad. Other than that, it was a great lazy day. The weather was perfect lazy day weather. It was cold and rainy, so I had no desire to remove myself from the comfort of my couch and blanket. We did get a little bit of snow. I've never seen snow before my birthday! It wasn't anything to get excited about. There was no accumulation, just a few flakes for about 30  minutes. We did take Bailey outside in it, but I don't even know if she noticed the difference. She did walk a little differently, but I think that's probably because we put her hoodie on her :-). We watched football and movies for most of the day. I even took a nap! Doing nothing and taking a nap may not sound very exciting, but both are very hard for me to do. Since we got the house, there's ALWAYS something to do. The to-do list never ends. This is why I've made it a goal to take just 1 day out of the month to be lazy and relax. If I don't, I'll work on little projects all weekend and it's Monday before  I notice it. I do almost feel guilty that we didn't finish up some projects, but I think this is important for our sanity. Haha. We ordered Chinese so we wouldn't have to worry about cooking or washing dishes. I did make some crab dip to eat while we watched football, but that took like 5 minutes of my time :-)

Sunday was my actual birthday. I slept in, which isn't an easy thing for me to do. Josh surprised me with breakfast, flowers and a cake :-) We took Bailey to the dog park in the early afternoon. We relaxed a little bit once we got her home, then we left to do some Birthday shopping. I got some new clothes and black boots!

Years ago, I always wanted impractical gifts for my birthday. This is one thing that has definitely changed...and I'm not quite sure exactly when it changed. I literally racked my brain to think of what I wanted for my birthday. Everything I could think of was either a clothing item or something for the house. Those are the most exciting things for me right now. I want a carpet cleaner for Christmas...maybe I am getting old?!? Haha


  1. Krystal - you are definitely not old. However, the minute I turned 24, even though I had lots of friends over, I felt like nothing changed at all. I'm glad you got to have a lazy day, and honestly, it sounds like something I should incorporate into my schedule.

    Are you going home for Thanksgiving? Gosh it's crazy how much I miss you!

    <3 Kim

  2. Oh I don't feel different at all :-) We'll be in town for Thanksgiving. We're going to the MD game, so we'll get to Raleigh sometime Friday afternoon. Will you be in town? I miss you too!

  3. YAY for lazy days and YAY for your birthday!!! :D I LOVE YOU!

  4. AND IT LET ME POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!
