Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Favorites!!!

1) Holiday Party - Last Friday, we had our company holiday party. It started with cocktail hour (this is the part I had to work for, but I still had a great time). During our cocktail hour, the Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award ceremony was going on in a different part of the hotel. Josh and another friend decided to go check it out. They got a chance to meet Collin Klein and hold the award. He was super excited, which made me super excited! After cocktail hour, we had a delicious dinner, followed by prizes and dancing. We had a great time with some great friends! 

2) Christmas Decorations - I didn't get everything up that I would have liked this year, but I still love what we have. I bought the supplies to make so much more stuff, but I just ran out of time. I may put a tiny bit more up on Sunday if I'm feeling up to it, but it almost seems pointless since we'll be leaving to go to NC on Friday.

3) Basketball Tickets - We finally got around to buying tickets to the basketball game we'll be going to while we're home for Christmas! The tickets are already here. We got them pretty cheap, which is even better. 

4) Another loan down - We paid off another loan this week!!! Now, we just have 1 more to go. That one should be taken care of in January!

5) Retirement Planning - We're stepping it up with our 401Ks big time next year. I've been contributing very little so far, and Josh has only been contributing a little more than me. Since our interest bearing debt (except the house, which is long from being paid off, and the car, which has an interest rate lower than inflation) will be gone, we've decided to max out our 401Ks for next year. This is an easy decision for Josh, but it's a bit tougher for me. It's hard for me to put away that much money that I can't touch for over 30 years! Even though it's hard for me to not put that money toward something more immediate, like saving for a vacation, a second car or our next home, I still feel good that we are planning for our future. 

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