Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Baby K - 28 Weeks!

May 16, 2016

Well, hello, third trimester! I can't believe how fast these first 2 trimesters have gone!!! 28 weeks isn't as long as it sounds!

Baby K is the size of an echidna this week - about 16 inches long and 2.5 pounds! Baby is starting to be able to regulate its own body temperature now, which is very important and increases its chances of survival if we were to deliver prematurely (which are pretty good now). Baby now coughs and dreams. It even has little eyelashes! Baby is producing hormones that will signal my body to start lactating, so that should be fun.

I'm doing really well this week. Emotionally, I'm SO much better than I have been the past few weeks. I've accepted the fact that I'm officially in the last trimester of pregnancy and come to terms to the fact that this baby will be coming out eventually, so that has helped. Haha. I'm still tired and at this point, I'm assuming this will not be improving. I've had a little bit of swelling, but it usually goes back down pretty quickly. I can still wear my rings, but I'm not sure how much longer that will last. Heartburn is picking up, but I know that's normal. Tums are my friend.

Josh is feeling the baby move SO much these days. Each night at bed time, they have their time and I love it. He can put his head on my belly and baby will kick him. He talks to the baby every night at bed time and the baby usually responds to his voice. He will poke at the baby a little and the baby will kick back at him. It's like they have their own play time. It's so precious and I think I will miss this once the little one arrives.

We had our 28 week prenatal appointment and all looks good! I passed my glucose test with no problem! Yay! Baby K is head down, so that's also great news! Baby's fundal height is measuring slightly ahead, but the midwife was not concerned about this. She said it's not unusual to measure a week or so ahead or behind. It could mean we have a big baby, but it doesn't necessarily mean that. My blood pressure was a little higher this time, but still in the normal range.

I wish I would have done this before, but I think I'll start including highs and lows of my week in each update. Here goes for this week!

Lows: Heartburn. I'm getting it most days now at some point or another.

Highs: Good prenatal appointment, got to hear heartbeat again, lots of baby/daddy interaction these days!

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