Friday, August 19, 2016

Baby K - 41 Weeks!

August 15, 2016

Well, friends, we are officially a week past due! My app no longer gives me any useful information or even a cute animal, so nothing new there as far as baby development. Baby is just growing at this point. We had an ultrasound on Tuesday to take a look at Baby K and make sure everything looks good and it's still safe for baby to stay put for now. I was happy to see Baby K and find out that it's safe to keep baby inside until our induction date, but our ultrasound wasn't a great experience. The ultrasound tech made sure we knew she did not support our decision to go past 41 weeks. She kept making comments about baby being too squished to see anything. It wasn't necessarily what she said, but how she said it. Josh asked a question about the umbilical cord and her response was - "Well, I really can't see anything and this baby should have already been born by now, soo...". Then, when she said the estimated weight, which was 8lb 14oz, then 8lb 11oz - My eyes got a little big and I asked her how accurate that was. She said - "Yea, that's what happens when you go this far over, this baby is definitely going to be over 8lbs." Then the Dr stepped in and asked about the fluid level and fetal movement and she said she got some movement and there was SOME fluid left, then she made sure to remind us that if our fluid levels had been low, they definitely would have induced us (at this point, I was ready to punch her. shit, that's the whole reason we have this appointment. I don't need you to remind me that I would be induced if it was not safe to stay pregnant, I just need to know IF it's safe to stay pregnant). She finally left and we waited for the Dr to come back. He said everything looked good and to just keep a close watch on Baby K's movements and stay active.

We had an appointment at the birthing center on Friday afternoon. We were had our nonstress test and I got my first internal check and a membrane sweep. I was a bit nervous about this appointment. When we got there, I heard a laboring woman, which reminded me of what I was going to be going through any day now. At first, the woman wasn't screaming, but she was definitely in some pain. Before we left, she was screaming. Yep, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Anyway, Baby K wasn't as active as the midwife wanted to see at first, so she brought me some juice and had me eat a snack. Movements picked up and we passed the test fine. She checked my cervix and I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. Baby K was still high. My blood pressure was high, and not just a little high like it had been several other times. It was high enough so that if it went any higher, I would be transferred to the hospital for delivery. It was important to get it down. I was confident that it was because I was so nervous about this appointment though.  I got the membrane sweep as well. The cervix check and membrane sweep were a little painful, but I was excited to hopefully see some progress soon! I was instructed to call the on call midwife the next day and I would go in for a blood pressure check and another membrane sweep if necessary. There was an open house to meet the attending OBGYN. Since he would be overseeing my induction if it was necessary, we decided to stay behind and meet him and his partner. We asked a few questions and he asked a little about us. After meeting with him, I felt a little better about the possibility of being induced. I found out that he had midwives on his staff during the week, so there should be one at the hospital on Tuesday when I was scheduled to be induced. After we met with the OB, I ran into my favorite midwife and my heart sank a little. She was on call on Friday, which made me confident that she wouldn't be on call for the rest of the weekend, so if this membrane sweep worked, she probably wouldn't be catching our little one. All of the midwives at the birthing center were great, but Josh and I both connected well with her. She had just the right mix of tough love, compassion and encouragement that I thought I would need during labor. Oh well, as long as Baby K came safely, I would be a happy mama. She gave me a little pep talk and told me it was all in my head. I needed to get myself together and relax or I was going to put myself in the hospital for this labor. She told me to go home and have a glass of red wine, so that's what I was going to do. Soak in the bath, have a glass of red wine, and watch a funny movie with Josh. We stopped at CVS to check my blood pressure again on the way home and it was already down to 122/70. Great! I didn't even really want the glass of wine, so we just  picked up Taco Bell for dinner and watched a funny movie. Between pee breaks and us chatting (we were very excited that labor could start any time!), we ended up not getting to bed until midnight. I didn't have any noticeable contractions, but I had lots of bloody show...a good sign!

As far as me, I've been great this week, physically. My bladder is literally taking a beating, but otherwise I'm pretty good. I'm slow getting things done, but I'm quite large, so that makes sense. I have more energy than I thought I would at this point. From what I've seen/heard from other people, I didn't think I would be good for anything at this point. I still cook and clean (maybe not as efficiently as I did before I was carrying around all this extra weight, but I feel good about what I've been able to do this week and I have no desire to become a couch potato right now). I'm still not miserable being pregnant - nope, not even in August. I think this has a lot to do with my mindset. I've been told since the beginning that I was going to be completely miserable come July and I told myself then that I didn't want to be that cranky, miserable pregnant lady. I wanted to get pregnant and I was looking forward to growing our little human. I'm very thankful that we were blessed enough for it to happen quickly for us and I'm very excited for our little summer baby. Do I get cranky faster? Hell yes, I do, but I'm tired and hormonal, so I guess that is to be expected. It also doesn't help that people just have no filter and they think they have a free pass to comment on my appearance or just because I'm pregnant. Despite some of the less than nice comments I've gotten, I still feel like a pretty cute pregnant lady. Heck, I'm 41+ weeks during the hottest time of the year, I look a lot better than I thought I would! Yes, I'm huge, and I'm by no means "all belly", but I do feel like I'm mostly belly and I love my bump!

Emotionally, I've kind of been all over the place. I'm fine going past my due date. I've assumed that I would from the beginning. I just don't want to make it to our induction date. We still have plenty of time, so you would think that wouldn't be a concern yet, but honestly, other people make it very difficult. I've been getting "Still no baby?" comments for a while now - like since a couple weeks before my due date, (has it seriously become that uncommon for someone to actually be pregnant for more than 40 weeks?) but I was able to brush them off and not let them get to me until this week. When I'm trying to stay optimistic that my body and baby will do what needs to be done naturally, the last thing I need to hear is "I can't believe you're still pregnant!", "Ugh, I know you're just dying to get that baby out", or "Hurry up and have that baby, would you?". I know people don't mean any harm and they might even think they're being funny, but it's not funny at all. I'm hormonal. This is my first baby. I'm 41 weeks pregnant and my baby has to come out at 42+1. I feel very strongly against being me being induced as long as baby and I are safe, so I obviously want the baby to come soon too. I don't need you telling me how YOU can't wait to meet my baby so I need to hurry up and have it. Seriously, people, WTF?

Josh is super ready for baby to come. He's been talking to Baby K at night, telling him/her it's time to come out. First stern talking to from Daddy. Haha.

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