Monday, August 1, 2011

Bailey's Progress Report

I know this is a bit late, but this past week & weekend were both very busy! Bailey has been making a lot of progress in pretty much all areas!

Vet Visit
This past Friday, Bailey got her first bath at a groomer. The groomer said she did great, even with the nail grinder. She has been doing a lot better with her baths and blow drying at home, but I thought she might mis-behave in a strange place. Yay for being wrong! She also got micro-chipped. She yelped a little, but other than that, she was really good. She didn't like when the vet tech scanned her chip. I think the little wand thing freaked her out a little. We had the vet check her ears while we were there because they had been red for a few days. She had a bacterial ear infection. We got 2 different ear medications to give her. We got ear cleaner that we have to use twice a day and drops that we have to give once a day. She HATES the ear cleaner. I finally figured out the easiest way to clean her ears with the wash after 4 days! We tried holding and petting her, bribing with a treat in front of her, etc. It didn't work. I finally figured out that I need to give her the treat then hurry and squirt the wash in her ear before she finishes.

Her little personality is growing SO much! She's starting to become protective over her home. She used to not bark at all when Josh came home from basketball. Even after he opened the door and started walking up the stairs, it was like she didn't care at all. Now, she will tell us if she hears something. I was starting to think she wasn't going to be a good watch dog at all. She's proving me wrong again! She's starting to cuddle a little more. We have started to lay with her on the floor at night while we watch TV since she's not allowed on the furniture. She was so adorable the other night with Josh, but she moved before I was able to take a picture. She did have her head on the brown pillow, but she sat up when she heard me grab the camera. Sneaky sneaky! 

Potty Training
Bailey has been great this past week or so!  We don't have to take her out to use the bathroom as much as we used to. She did get sick Saturday while we were gone to the beach for the day...but we know she couldn't help that. 

Bailey is doing really well, but she's starting to test her boundaries. She finally knows the difference between play dead and roll over. She can do them both correctly. She has started this new thing...when we're training her, if she's tired of doing a trick she'll grunt. It's adorable. We're trying to use only verbal commands when we walk her and she does OK with this. We're working on this to help with off leash training. She knows commands and she usually listens, but she doesn't listen when she's distracted. It's going to take a while, but I know she'll eventually get it :-)

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