Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baby K - 23 Weeks!

23 weeks 
April 11, 2016

Baby K is growing like a champ! Our little munchkin is the size of a chinchilla this week! It should weigh in at about 1 1/4 lbs and should be just over a foot long. Baby is developing taste buds and may be able to taste some of what I eat within the next few weeks! Here's to hoping I can eat a variety of foods and have a non-picky eater! Speaking of eating - My appetite is definitely in full swing. Probably because Baby K is starting to put on some baby fat! Yay! Now, some of the weight I'm gaining is actually going to the baby!

As far as me, 22 weeks was around the time that I may start experiencing some swelling, according to my app. I didn't notice any then, but when I flew at the beginning of my 23rd week, whoa! I was definitely swollen. I know it's normal to swell when you fly and I usually do some anyway, but I definitely experienced more swelling than I normally do for a flight so short. Another thing that I noticed was different while flying pregnant was recovery time. Typically, I'll feel some pressure in my head during descent and my ears will pop and I'll feel fine. I felt pressure in my head for several hours this time and it took a while for my ears to feel normal. I was also quite congested from the end of the first flight...and I STILL am. I've been quite congested for a large portion of my pregnancy, but this is definitely on the more severe side as compared to what it has been. I'm also noticing my linea nigra (that little dark line) getting darker. So far, it's not bad, just a very faint line. I thought it would bother me a lot, but so far, it doesn't. I've started to have a little bit of heartburn here and there as well.

This week was our babymoon! I'll post a separate post about that soon!

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