Monday, March 14, 2016

Baby K - 5 Weeks

5 Weeks
December 7, 2015

This week, Baby K is the size of a dot snail (or a peppercorn). Its little heart is starting to to form chambers and several other organs are beginning to develop! The heart should even start to beat at this point!

I took another pregnancy test today, just to make sure the line was getting darker. By now, it is as dark as the test line! Yay! This week has been crazy and emotional. We're both very excited and we're planning on how we will tell people. 

As far as symptoms go, I'm not having many at this point. I have gotten sick one time, so I thought morning sickness was starting, but I haven't felt nauseous since then, so I think maybe it was just my nerves. I'm a little bloated, so I'm calling my belly my blump. I haven't had any cravings at this point. Most times, I can't figure out what I want at all. I will feel hungry, but nothing really sounds appetizing. I'm hoping that stops soon! I've started doing prenatal yoga and I can already tell that my muscles are a little tighter than normal already. 

This weekend, I accidentally used spray paint because I forgot I was pregnant. I'm not used to the idea yet, but I try to stay conscious of it. It's just hard to remember sometimes when I don't look or feel any different yet.

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