Monday, March 14, 2016

Baby K - 13 Weeks

13 weeks
February 1, 2016

Our little Squishy is the size of a clownfish (or a jalapeno) this week - about 3 inches long! On one hand, that still seems tiny and on the other, it seems like the baby is growing SO fast!!! It has tiny little baby fingerprints and its vocal cords are starting to develop this week.

This is the last week of the first trimester and I'm feeling great! I have noticed some varicose veins, which is to be expected around this time. I finally have the beginnings of what I would call a little bump! I have picked up some maternity clothes to wear. I can still fit into most of my regular clothes, but they fit awkward and/or are not comfortable anymore. I'm over non-stretchy jeans. They're just not going to work until after this baby is born. Also, maternity jeans are SUPER comfy! I'm actually quite excited about them.

I don't know that I would call the first trimester easy. I did have a few rough patches. All in all though, it was a lot easier than I expected. I expected to live in the bathroom, hugging the toilet for half of my pregnancy. Luckily, that wasn't the case. I only had about 2 weeks of what I would consider bad morning sickness. I definitely had my fair share of cramping, fatigue and boob soreness. Luckily, all three of those things are pretty much non-existent at this point! I've also had some moodiness, but that also wasn't as bad as I expected. I think I've done a good job at staying positive. If I start to feel bad, I've been good at reminding myself that it's because my body is building a whole little human! That seems to help. :-) I have been lazier than I normally am. I haven't wanted to cook much, but some of that may be because I'm generally not excited about food so far. Who wants to put the effort in to cooking when they're not any more excited about the end product? I'm usually pretty good at least about staying on top of laundry and keeping things picked up around the house. I've been slacking at all of those things. Hopefully, as my energy is increasing, I will get more motivated to do things like this. I don't like feeling lazy.

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