17 Weeks
Y'all, time is FLYING! I mean...seriously! We had our 16 week appointment at the birthing center last week and everything is going great! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, so that was awesome, of course! We'll have our ultrasound in mid-March, so we're looking forward to seeing how the baby is developing. We're staying team green, so I won't have a big boy/girl announcement at time. We'll have to wait until August for that!
Anyway - This week, Baby K is the size of a Chipmunk! So adorable! The baby is about 5 inches and weighs almost 5 ounces. The baby's finger and toe nails are starting to grow and bones are starting to harden. The baby's sense of hearing is improving, so it should be able to hear our voices better! Baby K's arms and legs should be their normal proportions now.
I'm just tired this week. And cranky. We've been getting enough sleep, but maybe I'm just not resting well. There has definitely been some discomfort in my back (this has actually been happening sporadically for several weeks now, but it's getting more noticeable), but prenatal yoga has been helping that a lot.
Josh has been awesome! Over the weekend, he shampooed the carpet in the nursery and Monday while I was out of the house for Bible study, he put the crib together! Yay for progress! The nursery is officially ready to organize as we get things! The bad thing about this...everything that used to live in the office is now in the guest room. We have guests coming next Friday! Yikes! If that's not motivation to get things organized, I don't know what is!
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