I can't believe my baby is 6 months old!!!
Mason has changed so much in this past month! That was really my motivation for me to catch up on this because I know in a couple weeks, I won't even remember when he made all these changes!
His 5th month was pretty eventful and exciting!
Some of his favorite things are chewing (on just about anything, but mostly fingers and anything cloth), pulling hair, playing with his hands and feet...and yelling at them, he loves watching Bailey and he reaches out to touch her. He still loves taking a bath. He's getting a little better about when we take him out and dry him off. He still loves being naked, but he's not as fond of diaper changes as he used to be. I think it's because he has to lay still and he's SO wiggly now! He has started to respond to his name, but only if he isn't distracted by exciting toys.
Breastfeeding is still going great! Yay for making it 6 months EBF! It was hard and a lot of work at first, but it was so worth all the effort! Josh gives him a bottle of pumped milk each day still and he does great with it. Sometimes, he even puts him to bed with just the bottle (this was a no-go when he first started teething - he would finish a bottle and still want to nurse to sleep). He is so curious now and he likes to play around as he finishes eating. He will do some of the craziest things! I get fingers in my mouth, he grabs on to my face, pulls hair, "bites" me (we're working on this and I'll hopefully correct it before he gets teeth) and my new favorite...hip thrusts.
He started teething and that has been a bit of an adventure. He's typically a very happy baby, but he's had several fussy days and when he does, it's obvious that it's from the teething bothering him. He gets really clingy and wants to chew on EVERYTHING. He was really fussy one day not long after he had eaten and had his diaper changed. He wasn't tired and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He was just screaming! When he had his mouth open, I noticed that I could see the white from a tooth! This was actually the day he turned 5 months! That has been a month now and we still can't feel that dang tooth! I actually can't even see it most days now. Luckily, the fussy days are not often, and it only seemed to affect his sleep one night so far, at the beginning. He had his first fever as a result of the teething too.
The very beginning of his first tooth.
We both love his jumparoo! He has fun and he stays occupied for me to get some things done! Win-win. Want to know what's not a win? When he has a massive poop in there. Cloth diapers can hold a LOT of poop, so we've really only had a couple small blow outs. well, this was not a small blow out at all...
I mean...it was nearly in his armpit. Who knew motherhood could be so glamorous, right?
He's been very interested in sitting for a while now. He's been sitting while only holding on to our fingers for several months. He started to be able to let go and sit on his own for a couple seconds just as he turned 5 months. Last week, he was suddenly able to sit on his own for 5+ minutes! We've been sitting him up to play with toys and he's loving it!

He also took his first bath sitting up. We decided to also make that his first bubble bath and he really enjoyed splashing the bubbles!
We spent our first night away from him a couple weeks ago. My sister kept him while we spent the night in Charlotte. I cried when we left him. Of course I worried that he wouldn't sleep or something, but everything was fine. We missed him a ton, but it was nice to have some time to ourselves too.
Snuggles and our last nursing session before we left for Charlotte. This is my fur nephew, Benji. He was born on Mason's birthday!
I had to be THAT mom and do a Valentine's photo shoot. He was a trooper and toughed it out for longer than I expected him to! Here are some of my favorites.
That sweet, sweet smile!
He was so giggly for a while!
He's out of focus, but I still love this one...and it's the best one I got of the two of them. lol
He's gotten really good at rolling back to front. He's less interested in rolling back over. I think he actually really enjoys tummy time now, so he's not as motivated to roll front to back. I have yet to be fast enough to record him rolling over. One day, he rolled over and I sat right by his side for 10 minutes afterward, phone out and ready for him to roll. He didn't. I needed to refill my water, so I got up and walked in the kitchen. I was gone for no more than 30 seconds and he was on his belly when I got back!
This was the look I got.
We took him to his first swimming class. I knew I was interested in doing swim classes from an early age and a friend told me about an affordable place in Smithfield, so we decided to give it a shot. It was a lot of fun! He didn't get super excited to be in the water, but he had just fallen asleep in the car as we were pulling into the parking lot, so he got like a 5 minute nap before class. I was hoping he would sleep the whole way there and be well rested, but he's a curious baby, and that keeps him from napping well when we're out and about.
There's a little splash park/pool that we get to use after class. The water in here is warmer and Mason seemed to enjoy just sitting with this little ball and looking around. We'll definitely continue to go to classes at least a couple times a month.
We met up with some more moms/babies from my August 2016 moms group!
We went to his 6 month appointment this morning and it went really well! He's staying on his growth curves! He's weighing in at 15lb 14 oz and he's 26in long. He took his shots like a champ! He got an oral vaccination and 3 injections. He didn't cry at all until the 2nd shot! He calmed down quickly too! Way to go, little man! So far, we haven't had any reactions, so that's good!
Watching himself in the mirror while we wait for the Dr.
A little light weight training.
Now some comparison pictures to see how much he has changed over the past 6 months!
First and most recent appointments - 3 days and 6 months

1 month

2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
Mason has changed so much in this past month! That was really my motivation for me to catch up on this because I know in a couple weeks, I won't even remember when he made all these changes!
His 5th month was pretty eventful and exciting!
Some of his favorite things are chewing (on just about anything, but mostly fingers and anything cloth), pulling hair, playing with his hands and feet...and yelling at them, he loves watching Bailey and he reaches out to touch her. He still loves taking a bath. He's getting a little better about when we take him out and dry him off. He still loves being naked, but he's not as fond of diaper changes as he used to be. I think it's because he has to lay still and he's SO wiggly now! He has started to respond to his name, but only if he isn't distracted by exciting toys.
Breastfeeding is still going great! Yay for making it 6 months EBF! It was hard and a lot of work at first, but it was so worth all the effort! Josh gives him a bottle of pumped milk each day still and he does great with it. Sometimes, he even puts him to bed with just the bottle (this was a no-go when he first started teething - he would finish a bottle and still want to nurse to sleep). He is so curious now and he likes to play around as he finishes eating. He will do some of the craziest things! I get fingers in my mouth, he grabs on to my face, pulls hair, "bites" me (we're working on this and I'll hopefully correct it before he gets teeth) and my new favorite...hip thrusts.
He started teething and that has been a bit of an adventure. He's typically a very happy baby, but he's had several fussy days and when he does, it's obvious that it's from the teething bothering him. He gets really clingy and wants to chew on EVERYTHING. He was really fussy one day not long after he had eaten and had his diaper changed. He wasn't tired and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He was just screaming! When he had his mouth open, I noticed that I could see the white from a tooth! This was actually the day he turned 5 months! That has been a month now and we still can't feel that dang tooth! I actually can't even see it most days now. Luckily, the fussy days are not often, and it only seemed to affect his sleep one night so far, at the beginning. He had his first fever as a result of the teething too.
The very beginning of his first tooth.
We both love his jumparoo! He has fun and he stays occupied for me to get some things done! Win-win. Want to know what's not a win? When he has a massive poop in there. Cloth diapers can hold a LOT of poop, so we've really only had a couple small blow outs. well, this was not a small blow out at all...
I mean...it was nearly in his armpit. Who knew motherhood could be so glamorous, right?
He's been very interested in sitting for a while now. He's been sitting while only holding on to our fingers for several months. He started to be able to let go and sit on his own for a couple seconds just as he turned 5 months. Last week, he was suddenly able to sit on his own for 5+ minutes! We've been sitting him up to play with toys and he's loving it!

He also took his first bath sitting up. We decided to also make that his first bubble bath and he really enjoyed splashing the bubbles!
We spent our first night away from him a couple weeks ago. My sister kept him while we spent the night in Charlotte. I cried when we left him. Of course I worried that he wouldn't sleep or something, but everything was fine. We missed him a ton, but it was nice to have some time to ourselves too.
Snuggles and our last nursing session before we left for Charlotte. This is my fur nephew, Benji. He was born on Mason's birthday!
I had to be THAT mom and do a Valentine's photo shoot. He was a trooper and toughed it out for longer than I expected him to! Here are some of my favorites.
That sweet, sweet smile!
He's gotten really good at rolling back to front. He's less interested in rolling back over. I think he actually really enjoys tummy time now, so he's not as motivated to roll front to back. I have yet to be fast enough to record him rolling over. One day, he rolled over and I sat right by his side for 10 minutes afterward, phone out and ready for him to roll. He didn't. I needed to refill my water, so I got up and walked in the kitchen. I was gone for no more than 30 seconds and he was on his belly when I got back!
This was the look I got.
We took him to his first swimming class. I knew I was interested in doing swim classes from an early age and a friend told me about an affordable place in Smithfield, so we decided to give it a shot. It was a lot of fun! He didn't get super excited to be in the water, but he had just fallen asleep in the car as we were pulling into the parking lot, so he got like a 5 minute nap before class. I was hoping he would sleep the whole way there and be well rested, but he's a curious baby, and that keeps him from napping well when we're out and about.
There's a little splash park/pool that we get to use after class. The water in here is warmer and Mason seemed to enjoy just sitting with this little ball and looking around. We'll definitely continue to go to classes at least a couple times a month.
We met up with some more moms/babies from my August 2016 moms group!
We went to his 6 month appointment this morning and it went really well! He's staying on his growth curves! He's weighing in at 15lb 14 oz and he's 26in long. He took his shots like a champ! He got an oral vaccination and 3 injections. He didn't cry at all until the 2nd shot! He calmed down quickly too! Way to go, little man! So far, we haven't had any reactions, so that's good!
Watching himself in the mirror while we wait for the Dr.
A little light weight training.
Now some comparison pictures to see how much he has changed over the past 6 months!
First and most recent appointments - 3 days and 6 months
Same sun hat - 3 weeks and 5.5 months
1 month

2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
And now...he has also started to reach for me!<3 p="">3>
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