Wow...I've fallen behind on Mason's updates for sure...surprise. Haha. It's tough finding the right balance. I want to make sure I'm spending enough time with him, but I also want to take some time to document things. SO much happens so quickly, I know I'll forget a lot of it, and I don't want to forget any of it. My first baby is growing so quickly! Quite a bit has happened since my last update.
He sits and stands with our help. He's starting to sit unassisted for a few seconds at a time.
Working on standing!
He sits and stands with our help. He's starting to sit unassisted for a few seconds at a time.
I never understood why parents got so excited over these tiny little milestones, but I totally get it now. I'm that mom yelling, "Yay, Mason!" and clapping her hands a bagillion times a day. It's fascinating to watch how quickly your baby develops! I mean, just a 4-5 months ago, this little guy didn't know how to do ANYTHING...even eat! It's just amazing to watch him learn!
I mean, he's happy during tummy time. This is new!
We celebrated his first Christmas!!! Obviously, he had no clue what was going on. This first one was just for us, but we still had so much fun with him.
When we went to church for the Christmas Eve service, we finally let him stay in the nursery. We've been a few times with him, but we've been going to the infant room to watch, so we've been able to keep him with us. We could take him into the main part, but it's too loud for my comfort level. I also need to get better about being away from him, so this was good practice. We dropped him off and I did fine. We found our seats and sat down, then Josh asked me how I was doing and I started crying. I stuck it out though. He was crying when we picked him up. It was just because he was sleepy. He has been doing SO much better with his naps at home, but worse with them when we're out in other places and there are distractions.
We did our own little Christmas at home on Christmas Eve before we left to go spend the night with Josh's mom. We got up and opened presents with Mason. It was exciting for us, but honestly, it was a little rushed. By the time he wakes up, gets a diaper change and nurses, we don't have much time before he starts to get tired and fussy again.
We did our own little Christmas at home on Christmas Eve before we left to go spend the night with Josh's mom. We got up and opened presents with Mason. It was exciting for us, but honestly, it was a little rushed. By the time he wakes up, gets a diaper change and nurses, we don't have much time before he starts to get tired and fussy again.
This is the bag Santa will leave his toys in every year!
Watching his dog open her presets
Chewing on his wolf teether (Bailey promptly chewed half his head off)

He was pooped after his first round of opening presents, so he passed out on Nana!

LOVE the hat...the suspenders...the love. love.
We also celebrated his first New Years! We still put him to bed at his normal bed time.
Josh and I had the week between Christmas and New Years off and we really enjoyed just being at home with him and being able to spend so much time with the 3 of us!
He also had his first "snow" this month! We were expecting a few inches of snow, but we ended up just getting ice with a dusting of snow.

We bundled up a little, then headed outside for some pictures.
So cute! It's been such a mild Winter, I think this is the only time he'll even need to wear this!
If snow is involved, I definitely can't leave my snow bunny out! After we took Mason inside and got him changed, I went back outside to play with Bailey for a bit. This is a funny picture I got of her. :-)
Bailey and Mason are getting along great so far. He is showing lots of interest in her and she's definitely interested in his smells. I look forward to them growing closer over the years!
He also had his first "snow" this month! We were expecting a few inches of snow, but we ended up just getting ice with a dusting of snow.
We bundled up a little, then headed outside for some pictures.
So cute! It's been such a mild Winter, I think this is the only time he'll even need to wear this!
If snow is involved, I definitely can't leave my snow bunny out! After we took Mason inside and got him changed, I went back outside to play with Bailey for a bit. This is a funny picture I got of her. :-)
Bailey and Mason are getting along great so far. He is showing lots of interest in her and she's definitely interested in his smells. I look forward to them growing closer over the years!
I love the comparison pictures and seeing how he has progressed! Great read!