Saturday, June 18, 2016

Baby K - 32 Weeks!

June 13, 2016

Y'all, it's crazy how fast time is flying! I can't believe we're less than 8 weeks away from our due date!!!

Baby K is the size of an armadillo this week, about 18 inches and close to 4 lbs! Baby is sucking its thumb pretty regularly, which is helping it prepare to nurse and helping with coordination! We confirmed at our appointment this week that baby is still head down - yay! Baby has a head full of peach fuzz and a complete set of fingernails and toenails by now. Baby K is swimming like crazy and we're really enjoying feeling and seeing it!

I am doing so much better since starting to see the chiropractor! Of course, I still experience some lower back pain - I have a small human attached to the front of me - it's to be expected. BUT, it is SO much better than it was a couple weeks ago and I haven't had to take a single Tylenol for it this week! Yay! I'm back to enjoying pregnancy very much! 

We had our 32 week appointment Thursday and everything is looking great! We met a new midwife (we just have 1 more to meet and we've met them all) this time and she's my new favorite! She let Josh use the doppler to find the heartbeat (which he found very quickly) and he showed him how to find the baby's head, so he was able to feel it through my belly!

We've made quite a bit of progress this week. We put the pack n play and the high chair together. I've started to purchase some of the remaining things from our registry and some other things that we will need when baby arrives. There are still some things that we need to purchase soon, like the seating for the nursery. We're pretty sure we've decided to go with a recliner vs the traditional glider. We want to make sure it's something super comfy! Hopefully we will decide on one and purchase it withing the next week or so. Things are definitely starting to feel more real!

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