Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Baby K - 31 Weeks!

June 6, 2016

We're 9 weeks from our due date! That's single digits, y'all! How did we get here so fast?!? Baby K is the size of a small-clawed otter (not including the tail) this week! Baby is over 3.5 pounds and will still gain about 3-5 lbs between now and delivery day! Baby is mostly developed now and is just growing, developing the brain/nerves and developing its immune system to prepare for the big day! I'm feeling (and seeing) lots of not so little movements lately!

This week was a HUGE improvement from last week for me. I saw my chiropractor for the first time on Monday. Turns out, I've been doing a lot of things wrong that contribute to my back pain. Being pregnant and having all that extra weight out front just makes it worse. I had an adjustment and she told me some things to do to help, including icing my back 3 times a day. This has really helped! I had been using a heating pad. She said that would help with pain short term, but it would do absolutely nothing for inflammation, so in the long run, it just made it worse. The ice pack doesn't feel as good initially, but it's SO much better than the heating pad afterward. I have 2 appointments a week for the next two weeks to get me all squared away, then hopefully we'll just be in maintenance mode. I've noticed the carpal tunnel getting worse. It's still mostly numbness, but it does work its way up to discomfort and borderline painful at times, so I'll talk to my chiropractor and midwife about that when I see them again. Another thing that is looking up is heartburn! I've been getting better about eating smaller meals and that seems to help quite a bit.

We had our first of 4 birthing classes this week and it went really well! We went over some massage techniques, stages of labor and what to expect during each stage, what to do in early labor, and a few other things. We really enjoyed our class and we're looking forward to the next 3!

My baby shower is this coming Saturday and I'll probably have a separate post about that. I'm really looking forward to it!

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