Thursday, April 28, 2016

Baby K - 25 Weeks!!!

April 25, 2016

This week, Baby K is the size of a prairie dog - about 14 inches and almost 2 lbs!!! It's crazy to me how huge and how tiny that can seem at the same time! Baby's hair is getting thicker and has a color! Baby's sense of balance is developed enough to know which way is up and which way is down, and is already using this to work its way toward birthing position! Baby is also learning its way around and it has found my bladder! This should be a fun last few months!

This week has been good. I'm starting to experience more heartburn - with more foods (I mean, cereal...come on!) and more regularly. I know this is only going to get worse as baby grows, so I'll have to just get used to the tums. In exchange, I get to feel baby move more! It's having semi-regular dance parties these days and it's pretty awesome!!!

We've made a little bit of progress this week. Josh surprised me by assembling our stroller! I was just getting out of the shower one night and he rolled it into the bathroom. So sweet! Luckily, he pays attention more than I do. I had taken the stroller out of the box and put the box by the garage for trash. Silly me forgot to make sure I had ALL the wheels out of the box. That could have been bad!

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