Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baby K - 22 Weeks!

22 Weeks

April 4, 2016

Our little one is growing so fast! Baby K is about a foot long and should weigh right at a pound! It's about the size of a guinea pig. Baby's inner ear is developed to the point where it has a sense of balance right now. Baby is working on its motor skills and feeling all around! 

For most of this week, I've done well. Thursday morning was rough. I had some nausea for the first time in quite a while. I'm not sure what triggered it, but it was relatively short lived and was gone by late morning. I'm about as tired as I was last week. For the way I've been sleeping, I feel pretty good. I have trouble getting comfortable at night a lot of times and I'm waking up more during the night, so that combo usually doesn't make for very restful sleep. Sometimes I fall right back asleep and sometimes it feels like it takes forever. I'm going to try to do more yoga and maybe take some baths to see if that helps relax me a little better. I'm feeling the baby move every day, multiple time a day now, so that's really exciting! I'm learning that when I sit in certain positions, I can usually get the baby to move a little more. I find myself wondering if it's because it likes or dislikes the position I'm sitting in. Maybe it's neither and I can just feel the movement better because of my position.

I'm also starting to feel movement higher up. Until last week, I was only feeling movement really low, right at my pelvis. Now, I sometimes (but still not very often) feel it an inch or so below my belly button and off to the right side. This is normal for someone with an anterior placenta and this picture helps show why. There's just a little extra cushion between me and the baby that makes it a little harder for me to feel.

Something HUGE happened this week! Josh got to feel his first tiny little nudge! I had felt a couple very light ones, but it was never when Josh was around. We were laying in bed one night and I felt 2, so I put his hand where mine was and he felt it! He's not convinced it was the baby (because we can feel my pulse in my belly), but it definitely was. He still got very excited and thought it was the coolest thing, but he's in denial. I'm starting to feel kicks stronger on the inside now, so hopefully it won't be too long before daddy is feeling them a lot more often too! It may be difficult, because our little one is already stubborn. I'll feel a strong kick or 2, then I'll quickly put my hand on my belly so I can feel it on the outside, then it will slow down. Our little munchkin is already playing hide and seek with me!

For progress this week, we made another big purchase! We ordered our travel system! It has arrived and I'm so excited!
It's the Chicco Bravo Trio travel system in Papyrus. I saw this one months ago and I researched lots of others, but I keep coming back to this one. We found it on sale and decided to go ahead and purchase it. I felt silly for getting so excited over a stroller, but Aunt Kristian put me at ease. She said we basically just bought our baby a new car! Haha. Love it! I LOVE the color and Josh actually really likes it too! If dad gets excited about a car seat and stroller, it's the one!

We also have our next appointment this Friday. Wow! 22 weeks has turned out to be a big week!!!

Update - baby appointment:
Our appointment went really well. We met with a new midwife, but she's 30 weeks pregnant, so she will be on maternity leave when we deliver. Baby's heart rate was 130 and I'm measuring on time. I was able to find the top of my uterus after watching the midwife measure, so I think that's super cool. My blood pressure was 120/80, so I was very pleased with that. She went over our ultrasound with us and explained a few things. Everything looks great with baby and me!

Our next appointment is scheduled for May 17.  That's when I'll have the dreaded glucose test, so I was given my instructions for that. I actually feel much better about it now. I don't have to fast at all and the best part - I don't have to drink the flat, sugary orange drink that most people complain about! I get to drink 2 small cartons of grape juice! I can totally do that! We scheduled all of our classes at this appointment as well. We'll start our natural childbirth classes on June 9 and we'll go once a week for 4 weeks. We have our breastfeeding and newborn care class on June 18. I'm actually really looking forward to all of the classes!

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