This week has been an extremely tough week. Work has been way more stressful than usual. Luckily, this is my off Friday and I REALLY need it. I need the mental health day and I need the time to get things done.
Outside work, there were tons of those tiny little things that just went wrong. Here's my favorite of those things:
Yep, I FINALLY got around to painting the craft room/office/guest room...whatever it is today, and paint that I spilled soaked through the drop cloth without me realizing it. I found it the next day, so now I have to figure out how to get dry paint out of carpet.
Robin Williams sad.
These things would have been tolerable on their own, but the worst of my week is that I lost TWO of MY loved ones.
First, I found out Tuesday morning before work that my cousin, who was like a big sister to me when I was growing up, passed away. It was not completely unexpected since we were told months ago, after her brain surgery, that she would probably never get better. That doesn't make it easy though. It's still tough to accept and very hard to believe. I still feel like it's a bad dream that I'll wake up from.I'll be going on with my daily routine and some random memory will pop in my head out of nowhere...
I'll be showering and I remember the time she took me to the pet store to pick out a fish. She picked out a beta and I picked out a tiny little black molly or some black fish. She didn't know much about betas and the people at the pet store didn't tell her our fish wouldn't make good roommates. We spent the night setting up their tank and when we woke up in the morning, my little fish was gone. She felt SO bad about it, she let me take her beta home. I can't believe I still remember that, I couldn't have been more than 5!
I'll be taking Bailey for a walk and I remember when she took me to the Backstreet Boys concert with a friend when I was in elementary school. She drove 2 crazy kids all the way to Charlotte. That takes some patience!
I'll be cooking dinner and suddenly I'll think of the day she came to see me at work to tell me she just found out her daddy had stage 4 lung cancer. I remember how I was so sad to hear that about a man who was like my grandpa growing up, but that I was heartbroken for her. How do you handle getting that news about your dad?
I'll be driving home from work and I remember the summer during college when she let me live with her...the summer after Freshman year. I had gotten a credit card and racked up more on it than I would be able to pay off before classes started back in the Fall. I got a job at Subway, right around the corner from her house. I couldn't drive my car that summer, so she let me drive hers. She didn't charge me any rent AND she helped me pay off my credit card. This was the same summer we found out about Uncle Danny. We spent many late nights talking that summer.

This is me and my "Sissy" when I was a little one.
I'm incredibly sad, but I feel SO bad for her mom and kids.
Melisa's funeral is the day that we leave for Spain, so we won't be able to make it. I would like to be there to support my family, but things work out the way they do for a reason. This is when it really sucks to live so far away from family, but I will support them as much as I can from a distance.
Also Tuesday morning, I found out my mom's dog had passed away. This was not expected. Yes, he was old and he had a heart condition, but he was OK. He was being lethargic the day before and my mom took him to the vet. Blood work looked OK, but he did need a blood transfusion and some fluids. We expected him to pull through. He ended up passing away that morning.
We've had Harley since the day he was born. He was born the day before Josh and I started dating. He could be a little jerk, but he loved HIS people.
This is Josh and my little Harley monster this past Easter.
So, yes...this week sucked.
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