Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Favorites

While this was not a good week - It wasn't all horrible. 
1) Crabs - I love crabs! Last Sunday, Josh got up SO early to go crabbing with the guys. It was his first time and he had a ton of fun. That evening, we ate em'! YUM! I even learned a new way to pick a crab and it's so much easier!
2) Paint - I may have spilled paint on the carpet, but at least I painted the room. I've been putting that project off for a long time and I'm very happy with the outcome. Once I get everything moved back in and decorate, I'll post some pictures.

3) SPAIN - It's getting so close! I'm counting down the days until I can escape reality for 11 days! I have SO much I need to do to prepare though, so it will be a very busy handful of days!

4) Natalia - I love my little niece. She's pretty much amazing. She called me yesterday to ask if she could text me. Haha. A few minutes later, I got a text saying, "I love you!" It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it basically made my day. 

5) Friends - We've had great friends in NC for a long time, but it took us forever to make friends up here. Now that we have, I know they're friends we'll have forever. When the time comes for us to move, it's going to be really difficult to leave them.

6) Birthdays - Speaking of friends, we had 2 birthdays to celebrate last Friday. We went out to a restaurant for the first one, then went over to a friend's house to surprise her for the second one. We had some food, some drinks, played games and just had a great time with some good friends.

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