Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bailey's First Fishing Trip

I'm still playing catchup here. I'm trying to remember and write about things that happened over a month ago! That's pretty tough with a memory like mine.

The Sunday after we got back from Miami, Josh decided he wanted to go fishing. We wanted to do something outdoors with Bailey anyway, so I was even a little excited about it. We got up and went to the early service at church (8:00!) then came home, changed, and headed to the lake with Bailey.

We found our first spot on the rocks. There's a trail around the lake at Centennial Park and it's always pretty busy, especially when it's nice out. Since we were down on the rocks, we took Bailey off leash. She did really well staying around us. I noticed a crawfish, so we decided to grab him up in case we didn't catch anything else. We never caught anything over here. We noticed that the spot we wanted was opening up, so we left and walked to that area. It's more shaded, so Josh really likes it.

 On the rocks.

She really liked playing with the seaweed.

We kept Bailey off the leash most of the time in this area too. She really enjoyed chasing sticks as I threw them in the water. Silly pup, she doesn't like to go in to the point where she can't touch the bottom. She just likes to splash around in the shallow parts. She did try to run and play with a Beagle that was walking by, but other than that, she stayed right in our area with us. She didn't have any trouble finding ways to entertain herself.

 Playing with goose feathers...

 Ripping roots out of the ground...

Chasing sticks...

She's still a bit territorial. I've noticed that she really doesn't like when people approach us. When we're outside our house, she gets really protective of us, so that's something we need to work on. A few people walked up through the woods (through the area Bailey had claimed as her bathroom) and started to approach our area. She did NOT like that at all. We have to figure out how to approach this issue. It's really hard to expose her to these types of situations when we can't control how other people act around us.

All in all, our first fishing trip was great. Josh never did catch anything except lots of seaweed (is it still seaweed if it's in a lake?). We still had a great time and Bailey was exhausted by the time we got home, which is always a plus! It was a nice, relaxing way to spend our first Sunday back at home.

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