Thursday, June 21, 2012

Friday Favorites!

1) Today is my Friday - We're driving to NC to visit our families this evening. We weren't planning on visiting again until the end of August, but we have a free weekend and writing Father's Day cards last week made me want to we are!

2) Weather - With the exception of the past 2 days (which have been ridiculously hot and humid), the weather has been amazing lately. This past weekend was around 80 and not very humid at all. Perfect! 

3) Guest Bathroom Update - We painted the guest bathroom last month, and I still need to post pictures of that. I want to finish decorating first, which may take forever. Anyway, we bought new light covers for the fixture. I don't love the fixture we have in the guest bathroom, but I don't hate it either. I only see it to clean the bathroom anyway. The ones we had were so old looking. It really made the bathroom look dated. 

 This is an old one and a new one side by side. 

All new! About 5 minutes of work and less than $20. Such an improvement!

4) Our Garden - We're finally getting stuff out of it! We've been getting lettuce for a while, but it's growing even faster now. Our cherry tomatoes are doing very well and so are our peas. The carrots land potatoes look really good, but I'm not sure when they'll be ready. 

5) Brewing - We brewed our first beer in forever Friday night. The kit we used was very different from kits we've used in the past. It was much more simple with fewer steps and it didn't take nearly as long. We rarely get kits anymore, but I got this one on sale really cheap. We'll see how it turns out. I think it's going to be a little too dark. We added some rosemary and thyme to it, so it should be interesting. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

6) Fishing - For Father's Day, we slept in then went fishing. Josh is really getting into fishing and we had lots of fun the last time we took Bailey. This time, we went to a different spot. She was so hyper, I decided to take her for a walk. We hadn't gotten far at all around the lake when we met another puppy. He and Bailey hit it off really well. We ended up taking them off leash so they could play for a while. Other than trying to run and play with a dog that was on a leash and stealing a soccer ball, Bailey did really well. 

7) Star Spangled Sailabration - This past week, there was a huge celebration for the bicentennial of the War of 1812. The inner harbor was loaded with lots of ships from all over the world. We didn't go to the main part because we just weren't up for the traffic. We went to Fell's Point since it wasn't as crowded and we had a groupon for a restaurant there. There were sailors from all over the world all around Baltimore! We even saw a few that were stationed at Camp Ljeune! After we ate dinner, we went to look at some of the ships. 

 Hutch, is that you...on a Canadian battle ship? This ship fired off cannons as we were walking back to our car. It was SO loud, and since I wasn't expecting it, it was pretty scary too.

Japanese Coast Guard (I couldn't get a good pic of this one, it was way across the harbor)

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