Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pretty Shiny Things!

When I was planning our wedding I decided I wanted to do as much as I could to personalize it. I decided I would make the jewelry for my bridesmaids. I made simple pearl necklaces and earrings. I really enjoyed making them. Jewelry making kind of turned into a hobby after that and I've been doing it since then. It's something I can do on my own time that kind of just clears my head from all the day to day antics. I decided to start an Etsy shop. If you don't know about Etsy, definitely check it out. You can find all sorts of handmade items there. Anyway, you should check my shop out :-) You can find it here.

Just because I'm having a pretty awesome week and I'm in a great mood, I'm gonna give one of my items away! To enter, just leave a comment telling me which of my items is your favorite...if you hate all of it, just leave a suggestion :-) I'll choose a comment at random in a week. The deadline is next Tuesday at 11:59 pm. The winner gets to choose any single item valued at $10 or less.


  1. WOW! I had NO idea you were doing this! you are very talented!!! I wont enter because I feel like that's cheating ;D BUT I really most all of them! haha. I think the Amethyst Drop Earrings(gorgeous!), the jet shell bead earrings and necklace (classy), the flip flops (duh), and the green glass and crystal drop earrings (I love green jewelry!) :D but I really do like all of it :D I still need to get you to fix my pearls :D I'll try to remember to bring them when we come visit. I love you!! and so impressed with your jewelry!!

  2. How do I find your shop on Etsy, Krystal? I totally want to purchase something!!!

  3. Thanks loves! Kim, the link is in the post, where it says "here" at the end of the first paragraph. If it isn't clicky, here it is again: http://www.etsy.com/shop/lilmscrafty


  4. I like the painted bowls!!! You are so talented...I was always so jealous of your craft ability when we were in the sorority.

  5. ANd I still have my necklace and earrings. LOVE THEM
