Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

Yesterday, we celebrated Easter with my family. We were worried that we would have to hunt eggs in our apartment because it was so rainy. Luckily, it cleared up and the afternoon was absolutely beautiful. We went to a park near our apartment to hide eggs and to let Natalia and Bailey play. 

 This is Bailey watching Natalia practice her balance.

 Natalia was SO excited to get outside and play.

After Natalia played for a while she hunted for eggs. Bailey kept trying to get them out of her basket. 

 Bailey found the lucky egg! It was so funny. She picked it up and ran off with it.

 Going for another one. 

 Natalia wanted to take tons of family photos.

 There was a birthday party going on at the park. The little boy in the middle of this pic was turning 2. At one point he leaned down and kissed her. It was so adorable. 

 Me with Daddy, Natalia took this one.

Me, my mom & her boyfriend.