Tuesday night/Wednesday morning we got the first of our latest snow storm. We were supposed to get about 1-3". I didn't really expect to get even that...we definitely got our 3"! The road crews apparently didn't expect to get much either. The roads were horrible going to work Wednesday morning. It kept snowing/raining/sleeting throughout the day so my office closed down early. I left work around 2:30 & I'm glad I did. The rush hour commute in some areas were horrible! It was taking people over 5 hours to get home & some were even stuck over night. People were leaving their cars on the sides of roads & staying in hotels. A lot of people lost power & some areas still don't have any. We definitely got lucky. We went to Costco & Lowe's to pick up a few things after work. Can you believe Lowe's didn't have any snow scrapers? They have 3 aisles of gardening supplies but no snow scrapers! We do have one but it's tiny & completely useless for anything other than frost. We picked up a shovel & left to go grocery shopping. It was sleeting SO hard outside. It was huge sleet & it was falling so fast, I've never seen sleet like that. We picked up our groceries & headed home.
I already knew the chances of me going to work the next day were not very high. I didn't think my boss would be there & without her there for a second day in a row there wouldn't be much for me to do. I planned on making a super yummy dinner for Thursday so I made the homemade sauce for my lasagna (it takes about 2 hours from start to finish), assembled the lasagna & made dinner for that night. We just relaxed & watched TV for the rest of the night. We were expecting 5-10" of snow in our area. It did most of the snowing before we even went to bed. It's so weird when it snows at our apartment. It's so bright! We ended up getting around 9" or so. My boss lives north of Baltimore & she got around 13". College park only got 4" & the areas closer to the coast only got a little over an inch. All of those areas are within about 40 minutes or so from us. We saw on the news that it was actually thundering & lightning in some areas. My boss said it was at her house. It's crazy! Obviously it was really pretty yesterday. I kept all the blinds open so I could enjoy the snow from the warmth of my apartment :-).

Josh went to work late & worked late. I was a little bummed he didn't get to stay home with me but it turned out to be a good thing. I was super productive! I got a lot of things done around the apartment that I've been putting off for a while. We moved some of the furniture around to accommodate the Christmas tree. Since we took it down, there's been an awkward open space where it used to be. I re-arranged our living room & it's a lot more open now! It's not exactly how I would like it, but with the shape of our living room makes it impossible to arrange it the way I would prefer. That's ok though, the shape gives us space for a bigger balcony.
I put the words above the couch several months ago but I don't think I ever took a picture. They used to be centered above the couch but I had to move it to make room for the love seat to go in front of the window. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with them. Do I leave them where they are? Do I center them above where the couch is now? Do I spread them out & center them on the wall? What would you do with them? It seems that there's something wrong with each option. Symmetry really bothers me sometimes. Stupid OCD! Anyway, I like the living room this way SO much better!
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