I realize January is already half way over (CRAZY!) but I haven't really done a New Years post. 2010 was a great year for me...the best one yet! Just to recap a little...
The beginning of 2010 is kind of a blur. I was starting my last semester at State, planning the wedding & looking for an apartment in MD.

This is from the Super Bowl party at Anna & John's apartment. We made pizza from scratch...so yummy! As you can see, the Martins didn't have a rolling pin & we had to improvise :-)

I spent SO much time on Senior Design. I don't know how I would have made it through the semester without this lovely lady. Miss you Liz!

We somehow still made time to make the most of our last few months in NC. This picture is from a party our wonderful bridal party threw for us. I miss them all SO much!

Josh and I both graduated. Unfortunately, we don't have good pictures. We had intentions of going back to campus to take better pictures. With the wedding only 3 weeks away that just didn't happen.

I had to say goodbye to my college job. Everyone in MAD Lab threw a surprise going away/bridal shower for me! Of course all the food was amazing :-) I miss having co-workers my age! haha

I married my best friend in the world!

We experienced our first week of marriage in paradise.
We moved to MD...I do have pictures of this somewhere...I just can't find them now.

We experienced our first NFL game. It was a pre-season game but it was still amazing! I have a feeling we'll be going to more :-)

We got to go back to Raleigh for a few football games. I'm so glad we were fortunate enough to be able to do this! It was really great to be back at Carter Finley & to spend time with old friends.
We got to go to a few away games...

Some ended badly...

But the most important one didn't!
We got to celebrate the New Year with some amazing old friends!

I can only hope 2011 is as great at 2010 for us. There's a lot to look forward to & I can't wait to see what this year brings. I didn't make any resolutions...I always break them. However, I do have goals. This year our goals are...
* Find a church we both love
* Find our new home
* Save money!
Hey Love!
ReplyDeleteJust read through some of your recent blogs! Sounds like you're really enjoying the married life and making some big decisions. I'm glad you have both found amazing jobs that you enjoy! That's the hardest part I think.
Tyler and I are still have a lot of trouble finding a home church that we both love. The demographic is so different out here that the messages are never really the way we expect them. We do love the worship though.
I am so blessed to have you as a friend and to have been able to ring in 2011 with you! I can only hope that 2011 is great for me. It's certainly going to be a blur with so much school!
I know what you mean about church. We've actually enjoyed the messages at most of the churches we've been to, it's other aspects we didn't care for. I actually had a girl checking her voice mail during a sermon last week. INSANE!
ReplyDeleteWe love it up here but we definitely want to raise our kids in the Bible Belt :-)
I'm sure 2011 will be a wonderful year for you! Hopefully we can ring in 2012 together too :-)