Friday, December 10, 2010

Parmesan Crusted, Stuffed Chicken

Two very delicious things in life...parmesan crusted chicken & stuffed chicken. Earlier this week I decided to combine them. Josh usually doesn't like stuffed chicken cordon bleu for him. He's getting more open to trying new things & agreed to try this. It was SO good! I do my parmesan crusted a chicken a bit different. I brush it with alfredo sauce first, no eggs, flour or any of that fuss...just simple alfredo sauce. Next, I bread it with italian flavored bread crumbs. I usually mix in equal parts parmesan cheese with the bread crumbs but I didn't have any on hand when I decided to make this. It's still delicious.

I experimented a little & the easiest way for me was to butterfly the chicken, bread it, then add my stuffing.

I decided to stuff my chicken with spinach, cream cheese & mozzarella. It was really good & I would definitely cook it again. You could stuff it with a combination of things. I decided to keep it simple this time. You could try adding mushrooms or even sun dried tomatoes. I think either would be really good. I put toothpicks through the chicken to hold in the stuffing while it cooked.

I served it with fettuccine with a pink sauce. Pink sauce is my favorite. Just mix in your favorite alfredo sauce & red sauce. It's the best of both worlds :-)


  1. Pink Sauce is my favorite too! and this look YUMMY!!! I am going to have to try it SOON! Ps. I am stealing like all of your recipes :D including the peppermint bark that I will be attempting tonight :D LOVE YOU!

  2. It's so easy! Let me know how it turns out. I was actually going to mail you some with your Christmas card but I've been too lazy to go to the post office. haha
