I'm amazed at how some of these ladies look after having kids! I have no idea what their regimen is but I want in on it! Adriana Lima had a baby barely a year ago & she looks like this now!

On another note...THAT is this year's Fantasy Bra that Adriana is wearing! It's not that pretty...& are those seriously the best matching panties they could come up with?!?! I guess the recession has hit everyone! This year's bra is $2 million. Here are all the Fantasy bras from 1996 to 2008. Some of them are amazing! This one just doesn't compare. MAYBE if the panties had a little bit more bling it would make a little bit of a difference.
Now is the part where I go to the VS website & add all the pretty, sparkly holiday lingerie to my shopping bag then realize it's completely ridiculous to spend that much money on something only 1 person will see. Then I'll think about working seasonal hours at VS so I can get free bras again...then realize it's worth spending $40+ a bra rather than parking in a ridiculously crowded parking lot & walking across the parking lot & mall to get to a ridiculously crowded store to make like $7 an hour & never get to spend time with the hubby. haha
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