Our little guy is 15 months old! That feels so weird to say still. He's settling into toddlerhood well.
He looks like such a big boy!
We've had a really fun month this month.

Halloween number 2! We decided to dress Mason up as Mario! Do you have any idea how hard it is to draw a mustache onto a dancing toddler?!? It was an adventure for sure, but so worth it! Mason loved watching the kids come by for candy and he even got to see a dog in a costume! He did get scared of one little boy, but otherwise, he had a blast until bedtime!
We had a meetup with a few of the moms from my August '16 mom group.
We went to Savannah's birthday party.
Mason waiting so patiently for Savannah to open gifts.
Ball pit time!
He played on the swing Savannah got for her birthday. He almost falls asleep just about every time we put him in here.
We officially have a walker. He started walking quite a bit just after he turned 14 months. He went from mostly assisted walking, to walking short distances between items around the house or me and Josh, to walking into a different room, to walking all over the house in just a couple weeks. Now, walking is is preferred way to get around, although he does still crawl sometimes. For the most part though, he can walk where he wants to. He's even getting decent at walking on uneven surfaces (though he still takes a tumble here and there)!
A blurry one, but he can be so hard to catch in action!
We went to a touch a truck event and Mason got to sit in several types of trucks!

He got to meet Mr. & Mrs. Wuf, but he was only interested in his Cheerios. Even when Mrs. Wuf offered him her tail to pet, he just wanted food.
He got 2 new teeth this month. He's been working on these teeth for quite a while and they ended up cutting through only 2 days apart. We can see more that should be cutting through before long as well. No wonder he was so fussy for a bit! Usually, if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he'll go back to sleep immediately. Most nights, he doesn't even do that. While he was teething, he was waking up several times a night and crying. Sometimes, it would take several minutes for him to go back to sleep. There were a couple nights where we would have to go in and nurse him or give him some Ibuprofen because he was so uncomfortable. It was pretty short lived though, thankfully! Maybe someday, I'll be able to get a picture of his new smile. Any time his teeth are showing and I grab for my phone to take a picture, he gets focused and reaches for it.
Look at those new little chompers! So far, he hasn't bitten me yet (knock on wood).
We've started to get more consisted with baby sign and we've reintroduced some signs that we had stopped signing. Now, he's signing "all done" pretty consistently and he's working on "please". He's also combining some signs, so he'll sign "more food" or "more, please" occasionally. We're working on showing him other signs, like "help" and "sleepy". These are the types of signs that we use when the opportunity arises, so they're a little harder to reinforce. I forget half the time to sign for him. Hopefully, he'll pick up on these and more soon!
He's been really snuggly lately and it just melts my heart. This is on a Monday daycare dropoff. He sometimes clings to me a bit when I drop him off, but he'll usually go off and play pretty quickly. This day, hew as just not having it. He held on to me like this the whole time I was putting his stuff away. I don't know if it was more sweet or heartbreaking.
We decided to take Mason to his first parade this year. We went to the Raleigh Christmas parade and we had a really good time! It's a long parade, so we didn't stay for the whole time. We stayed for about 45 minutes or so, then left to go grab lunch.
I wore him most of the time and he did great!
Every time a band would come by, he would rest his head on my shoulder and smile really big. That's not the reaction I expected, but it was SO cute!
We went to Beasley's to eat after we left the parade. The mac n cheese and fruit were both a hit for the little guy.
He looks like such a big boy!
We've had a really fun month this month.

Halloween number 2! We decided to dress Mason up as Mario! Do you have any idea how hard it is to draw a mustache onto a dancing toddler?!? It was an adventure for sure, but so worth it! Mason loved watching the kids come by for candy and he even got to see a dog in a costume! He did get scared of one little boy, but otherwise, he had a blast until bedtime!
We had a meetup with a few of the moms from my August '16 mom group.
We went to Savannah's birthday party.
Mason waiting so patiently for Savannah to open gifts.
Ball pit time!
He played on the swing Savannah got for her birthday. He almost falls asleep just about every time we put him in here.
A blurry one, but he can be so hard to catch in action!
We went to a touch a truck event and Mason got to sit in several types of trucks!

He got to meet Mr. & Mrs. Wuf, but he was only interested in his Cheerios. Even when Mrs. Wuf offered him her tail to pet, he just wanted food.
He got 2 new teeth this month. He's been working on these teeth for quite a while and they ended up cutting through only 2 days apart. We can see more that should be cutting through before long as well. No wonder he was so fussy for a bit! Usually, if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he'll go back to sleep immediately. Most nights, he doesn't even do that. While he was teething, he was waking up several times a night and crying. Sometimes, it would take several minutes for him to go back to sleep. There were a couple nights where we would have to go in and nurse him or give him some Ibuprofen because he was so uncomfortable. It was pretty short lived though, thankfully! Maybe someday, I'll be able to get a picture of his new smile. Any time his teeth are showing and I grab for my phone to take a picture, he gets focused and reaches for it.
Look at those new little chompers! So far, he hasn't bitten me yet (knock on wood).
We've started to get more consisted with baby sign and we've reintroduced some signs that we had stopped signing. Now, he's signing "all done" pretty consistently and he's working on "please". He's also combining some signs, so he'll sign "more food" or "more, please" occasionally. We're working on showing him other signs, like "help" and "sleepy". These are the types of signs that we use when the opportunity arises, so they're a little harder to reinforce. I forget half the time to sign for him. Hopefully, he'll pick up on these and more soon!
He's been really snuggly lately and it just melts my heart. This is on a Monday daycare dropoff. He sometimes clings to me a bit when I drop him off, but he'll usually go off and play pretty quickly. This day, hew as just not having it. He held on to me like this the whole time I was putting his stuff away. I don't know if it was more sweet or heartbreaking.
We decided to take Mason to his first parade this year. We went to the Raleigh Christmas parade and we had a really good time! It's a long parade, so we didn't stay for the whole time. We stayed for about 45 minutes or so, then left to go grab lunch.
I wore him most of the time and he did great!
Every time a band would come by, he would rest his head on my shoulder and smile really big. That's not the reaction I expected, but it was SO cute!
We went to Beasley's to eat after we left the parade. The mac n cheese and fruit were both a hit for the little guy.
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