Mason has now finished his first month of daycare! I'm not gonna lie, it's hard. There are days when I absolutely hate that I have to leave him there. I hate that we're paying someone else to keep my baby. When I'm feeling that way, I have to remind myself that he's learning things that I can't teach him. He's learning to interact with other babies his age and other adults. I'm able to be much more productive and he seems to really enjoy his class. This past week has been pretty rough and in all honesty, if we hadn't maxed out the dependent care FSA, I would at least be considering becoming a stay at home mom. I do feel like it's what's best for us right now though, so I'm trying to tough it out. Maybe it will get easier with time.
He's rolling a lot these days. He rolls in his crib while he's asleep now. Sometimes, he'll just go back to sleep on his belly and other times, he'll fuss until we come get him. He likes to alligator roll during diaper changes. I would say 80% of the time I put him down on his play mat to play, he rolls to his belly and starts doing this cute little swim thing. He kicks his little legs, just like he's been learning in his swim classes. He's sitting great and his balance is improving all the time. He hardly ever falls over anymore and if I give him a little push in different directions, he usually recovers his sitting position well!
We're still doing babyled weaning and I'm SO glad we did! He's gotten so much better at feeding himself and he has his pincer grasp now!

He loves bananas!
He's making several new sounds. It's so amazing to watch him figure them out. He loves blowing raspberries and he's started to growl occasionally.
His napping has improved a lot. As long as he's not overtired, I can usually just put him down in his crib and he'll fall asleep. I occasionally have to give him a lovey to snuggle with or a rattle to shake for a few minutes, but it usually doesn't take long for him to put himself to sleep. He still rarely naps in public. He's such a curious baby. I see babies sleeping in their open strollers when they're out and about, but Mason just isn't having it. I did get him to take a nap at Target the other day, BUT it was after he had been at daycare AND I had to completely block his view. I was just running in for something really quick and I knew he was tired, so I snapped his infant carrier in his stroller and closed both canopies to get it nice and dark for him. He fussed for a minute, then fell asleep quickly. I love that travel system so much! Curse the people who told me I wouldn't use it! I'm going to be lost when I can't snap him in and out for quick runs into a store anymore. Sure, I can wear him, which I do love, but if he's asleep in that car seat, I have to wake him up to do that!
We went to MD this month and he got to meet lots of new people. We stayed with Dave and he was nice enough to invite lots of friends who were on Josh's old team over. Mason was tired and we had a busy day in DC earlier in the day, but he was really a champ! Oh yea! He got to take his first trip to our nation's capital!
Lady Liberty in Lego form - I can't wait to take him to see the real one some day!
Visiting his first Smithsonian!
He got to go on his first boat! He did not like having to wear his life jacket, but he did enjoy himself once we were anchored and we took it off for a little bit. He slowly got used to it, I think. He didn't like when the ride got really bumpy. I just nursed him while we were moving and he calmed right down and would doze off for a quick nap.

This was after the ride back to the dock. He usually wakes up after I uncover him if he falls asleep nursing. Not this time. Little guy was exhausted!

He was so tired he even slept through us taking is life jacket off!
We had his first Easter, but it was a ROUGH weekend. The Wednesday before, he got a fever. I thought it was teething related, but he had to stay home from daycare on Thursday since his fever did reach 101. He threw up one time, but other than that, he wasn't showing any symptoms of anything other than teething. His fever was gone by Friday morning. Saturday, we took Mason and Natalia to Marbles (another first for him this month!) and on the way home, I started to feel sick. I was super nauseous by the time we got home and ended up getting sick a LOT Saturday night. Looks like Mason brought his first stomach bug home from daycare! Since I was so sick Saturday night, we cancelled our Easter dinner with family. It made me really sad because it was his first Easter! We didn't make it to his first Easter service either. :-/ Here's to hoping next Easter is so much better! Mason is still not quite himself. He's been fussier than usual at daycare. He's not finishing his bottles or showing as much interest in his food. I took him to the pediatrician and they couldn't find anything wrong. They said it's possible that it's from teething or he could be recovering from this stomach bug, even though he wasn't showing symptoms. He was as happy as can be on the exam table and he's weighing in at 17lbs.

This was Easter morning. I still felt awful, but this silly face sure did cheer me up!
Natalia stayed with us Easter weekend and she wanted to help change his diaper. This one actually ended up being his first ever car seat blowout, so we obviously have some work to do.
He loved playing with the mirrors at Marbles!
Mason absolutely loves Bailey. He laughs at her playing with her toys and he's learning to pet her nicely. We're still working on that part.
Note all the baby toys he has absolutely no interest in...

He loves exploring her and most of the time, she doesn't mind at all. If she does, she'll just lick him in the face and walk away.

He loves being outside. This is him learning to help daddy work in the yard. He actually pulled his first weed! Now, we just have to teach him not to eat them. Haha.
We're still doing babyled weaning and I'm SO glad we did! He's gotten so much better at feeding himself and he has his pincer grasp now!

He loves bananas!
He's making several new sounds. It's so amazing to watch him figure them out. He loves blowing raspberries and he's started to growl occasionally.
His napping has improved a lot. As long as he's not overtired, I can usually just put him down in his crib and he'll fall asleep. I occasionally have to give him a lovey to snuggle with or a rattle to shake for a few minutes, but it usually doesn't take long for him to put himself to sleep. He still rarely naps in public. He's such a curious baby. I see babies sleeping in their open strollers when they're out and about, but Mason just isn't having it. I did get him to take a nap at Target the other day, BUT it was after he had been at daycare AND I had to completely block his view. I was just running in for something really quick and I knew he was tired, so I snapped his infant carrier in his stroller and closed both canopies to get it nice and dark for him. He fussed for a minute, then fell asleep quickly. I love that travel system so much! Curse the people who told me I wouldn't use it! I'm going to be lost when I can't snap him in and out for quick runs into a store anymore. Sure, I can wear him, which I do love, but if he's asleep in that car seat, I have to wake him up to do that!
We went to MD this month and he got to meet lots of new people. We stayed with Dave and he was nice enough to invite lots of friends who were on Josh's old team over. Mason was tired and we had a busy day in DC earlier in the day, but he was really a champ! Oh yea! He got to take his first trip to our nation's capital!
Lady Liberty in Lego form - I can't wait to take him to see the real one some day!
Visiting his first Smithsonian!
He got to go on his first boat! He did not like having to wear his life jacket, but he did enjoy himself once we were anchored and we took it off for a little bit. He slowly got used to it, I think. He didn't like when the ride got really bumpy. I just nursed him while we were moving and he calmed right down and would doze off for a quick nap.

This was after the ride back to the dock. He usually wakes up after I uncover him if he falls asleep nursing. Not this time. Little guy was exhausted!

He was so tired he even slept through us taking is life jacket off!
We had his first Easter, but it was a ROUGH weekend. The Wednesday before, he got a fever. I thought it was teething related, but he had to stay home from daycare on Thursday since his fever did reach 101. He threw up one time, but other than that, he wasn't showing any symptoms of anything other than teething. His fever was gone by Friday morning. Saturday, we took Mason and Natalia to Marbles (another first for him this month!) and on the way home, I started to feel sick. I was super nauseous by the time we got home and ended up getting sick a LOT Saturday night. Looks like Mason brought his first stomach bug home from daycare! Since I was so sick Saturday night, we cancelled our Easter dinner with family. It made me really sad because it was his first Easter! We didn't make it to his first Easter service either. :-/ Here's to hoping next Easter is so much better! Mason is still not quite himself. He's been fussier than usual at daycare. He's not finishing his bottles or showing as much interest in his food. I took him to the pediatrician and they couldn't find anything wrong. They said it's possible that it's from teething or he could be recovering from this stomach bug, even though he wasn't showing symptoms. He was as happy as can be on the exam table and he's weighing in at 17lbs.

This was Easter morning. I still felt awful, but this silly face sure did cheer me up!
A couple make up Easter Pictures
Natalia stayed with us Easter weekend and she wanted to help change his diaper. This one actually ended up being his first ever car seat blowout, so we obviously have some work to do.
He loved playing with the mirrors at Marbles!
Mason absolutely loves Bailey. He laughs at her playing with her toys and he's learning to pet her nicely. We're still working on that part.
Note all the baby toys he has absolutely no interest in...

He loves exploring her and most of the time, she doesn't mind at all. If she does, she'll just lick him in the face and walk away.

He loves being outside. This is him learning to help daddy work in the yard. He actually pulled his first weed! Now, we just have to teach him not to eat them. Haha.
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