Y'all, I thought time went by quickly when I was pregnant! That was nothing compared to how it is now! Mason's second month with us has been a whirlwind and it hasn't slowed down any, hence why I'm posting this so late. Here's a rundown of what we've had going on...

He's sleeping all night already, which is amazing! He's sleeping 10+ hours per night. He wakes up sometimes, but he almost always puts himself back to sleep. We consider ourselves VERY fortunate that he is sleeping so well and I keep waiting for him to turn into a little baby who just will not sleep. We don't get 10 hours of sleep. He wakes me up with noises sometimes and there are things that just have to get done, but we are getting more sleep than I expected at this point. Most nights, we get to sleep through the night. This is much better than the nights full of naps during those first couple weeks!
He's changing so much and so fast! He follows us with his eyes and recognizes our faces and voices. He blows spit bubbles all the time and his head control has improved so much!
He has the most contagious little smiles!
Josh and Mason went with me to my 6 week follow up visit. I've healed up just fine. Woohoo!
We took our first road trip to MD with him during his second month. He did great. We only had to stop twice. He met his little friends, Ashlyn and Zachary and his Auntie Jen and Uncle John. I took him by my old office to meet some co-workers, but since it was Friday and we didn't make it in until after 2:00, there were only a few people there. Mason did great on the trip with the exception of sleeping. He's used to sleeping in his crib and he does great. For the trip, we took his rock n play for him to sleep in. He woke up every 1-1.5 hours.
Zachary holding Mason
He's so tiny next to Z!
This picture of Mason and Ashlyn cracks me up!
We've been taking him out a lot more. This is at Lowe's. We went to pick up some wood for Josh to build a table and a bamboo plant for Mason's room. I couldn't resist walking him through the fans. He loved it! I've finally gotten comfortable taking him places by myself. He doesn't mind being worn anymore, so it's much easier!
He still loves bath time. :-)
At Mason's 2 month appointment (which actually fell on Halloween, 10 days after he turned 2 months), he weighed 12lb 1oz and was 23in long. That's the same length they measured him at for his one month appointment. One of the measurements was wrong. He has outgrown clothes in length, so I know he got longer. The pediatrician said it's really hard to get an accurate length on them because they're so wiggly. He had to get vaccinations at that appointment, but overall, it went great! He was fussy when he got poked, of course. I fed him afterward and that calmed him down quickly. He was fine after that.
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