July 18, 2016
Baby K is getting so close to birth size! Maybe over 6 lbs and 19 inches long! Baby is the size of a skunk this week (I've definitely had more exciting animals than this one!). Baby has good reflexes now and is still packing on some baby fat. I think my app is running out of cool things to tell me since it seems to be mostly repeating itself now. I have noticed baby moving quite a bit when I go outside in the sun after being out for a while, so I think it may be reacting to the sunlight.
As far as symptoms go - they're pretty much the same. The most predominant ones right now are swelling, carpal tunnel, heartburn, a little lower back pain and LOTS of peeing. I had been sleeping pretty well, then I had 2 nights in a row where I woke up around 3:30 and had trouble getting back to sleep. I'm definitely uncomfortable, but not like I expected to be at 37 weeks in July. I do avoid the heat as much as I can though, so I'm sure that helps. :-) I'm really looking forward to meeting Baby K, but I'm enjoying this last bit of pregnancy while I can.
This week was a super productive week for us! I took Wednesday off to get some work done and we worked a little on Friday and a LOT on Saturday to finish things on our to do list. We set a deadline for us to finish projects this week and we pretty much finished them all! We'll still work on things slowly, but we're really going to focus on relaxing more for these last few weeks. We got the garage organized a little more and we put a new chest freezer in there - so yay for more space for freezer meals!!! On my day off, I got the Explorer washed and detailed and I brought it home and thoroughly cleaned and conditioned the leather and floor mats then we installed the car seat! I also got the oil changed and Josh changed the cabin filter, so we're good to go on regular maintenance for a bit. We got the car seat inspected and it looks great! Josh painted and installed the bookshelves for the nursery, which is almost finished. We ordered a print to go above the dresser, so we're just waiting for it to arrive and I think we'll be finished with decorating in there until we get newborn photos done! I'll try to post some pictures once the print arrives. Josh installed the diaper sprayer, so we'll be all ready to start with cloth diapering once the meconium days are over! Yay for progress! We haven't finished EVERYTHING that we put on our to-do list when we first made it, but it was a very ambitious list and we've allowed ourselves a bit of time for enjoyment, so I feel really good about where we are right now.
Sunday was a very relaxing day! I already knew this, but I have some amazing friends! Anna and Kristian treated me to a great day of pampering! They organized a scavenger hunt for me and our first stop was lunch of my choice. I chose Panera and it was SO good! Kristen met us there and hung out with us for a bit! Next, we got mani/pedis, then Kristian, Anna and I went to get a massage! It was a SUPER relaxing day! After our massage, we came back home to meet our guys for dinner. They had built a shelf in the garage, which I am SO thankful for! We enjoyed each other's company and some delicious food!
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