May 23
Baby K is getting quite large! It's now the size of a New England cottontail rabbit. Baby should be weighing in at around 3 lbs and is approximately 16 inches long! Baby kicks are definitely getting stronger! It's getting much easier to see my belly move and feel movements from the outside. Baby is quite active these days, but it does seem to get stage fright if we're around lots of unfamiliar noises. Our MD friends were not able to feel a wiggle because of this. :-/
This week has been particularly hard on me in terms of sleep. It's becoming more common to wake up several times a night to pee rather than just one. A few nights, I woke up at 3:45 am WIDE AWAKE. This is not good. One morning, I decided to just stay up and get some things done. That wasn't a very good idea. I was ready to crash at 6:00 am and the alarm had already gone off, so it was too late to go back to bed. The same thing happened the next night and I forced myself to go back to bed after eating a bowl of cereal. I was still awake at 5:45. Josh woke up and told me to come snuggle at that point (but he doesn't remember doing it). I fell asleep shortly after. We had gotten to bed a little later the night before, so we were sleeping in until 6:30. I didn't hear the alarm go off, so Josh let me sleep until 7. I guess this was a little better than just staying up at 3:45, but I was still completely exhausted! Swelling has also become more common. We had a wedding this past weekend on a hot day. Hot day + being on my feet a lot = serious cankles!
I was pretty productive during the evenings this week, despite being so tired. I guess the instinct to nest is really kicking in. I shampooed the carpet in the sitting area of our bedroom (this is where the baby will sleep until it moves into its room - it is now organized and ready for a pack n play!), washed up a bunch of diapers, washed some baby clothes, assembled a cart we got for diaper organization and put drawer organizers together and put them in the baby's dresser. Not directly baby related, I organized our coat closet downstairs! This has been on my to-do list for months, so I was very glad to get that one checked off!
Highs - Surprise flowers from hubby! Having a productive week!
Lows - Lack of sleep and increased discomfort in general. Shopping - I already dislike clothes shopping. I LOVE having new clothes. I hate finding them. Being pregnant, it's much worse.
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