Josh and I traveled to Delaware this past weekend to participate in our first 10K! We left out early Saturday morning to take Bailey to camp and pick up a co-worker's son from college. His family lives close to where we were going to be staying, so we had no problem picking him up. On the way, he told us about this taco place/Mexican convenience store that he worked over the summer. It was only a few minutes out of the way and Josh and I get excited about authentic Mexican food, so we decided to stop by to pick up lunch number 1. Haha. We tried 4 different tacos. A pork one, and 3 different beef ones. Josh's favorite was the pork, which was very good, but one of the beef ones was amazing! We got them mixed up, so I'm not really sure which one it was. We also tried a cow tongue taco. I wasn't a huge fan of it. It was really good at first, but then it had an aftertaste similar to lamb, but not quite as harsh. I hate the taste of lamb, so I didn't appreciate this.
We know someone who owns a condo near Bethany Beach, Three's Company. We stayed there with 2 other couples and we loved it! We definitely plan on visiting again. Josh and I were the first ones to arrive, so we got to pick our room first. We chose the gorgeous master of course. Mostly because of the view. We met up with our co-worker at the house and unloaded our things.
Our beautiful master!
The view from the master bedroom.
The most comfy couch EVER!
The dining room. I LOVE this rug!
We just relaxed for a little bit then we made plans to meet the rest of our crowd at the Dogfish Brewpub for lunch number 2. Since we had eaten tacos a couple hours before, we weren't very hungry. We decided to share a pizza. SO good! After lunch, we went to pick up our race packets. We weren't supposed to be able to pick them up until 4:00, but they were nice enough to give us our packets early. Our bags included a t-shirt, our race day bibs with 3 beer vouchers, a pint glass, a plastic cup, chapstick, a coupon for 10% off at the brewpub, a bottle opener, and a couple other odds and ends. We didn't expect the pint glass, so we were pretty excited.
Our beautiful master!
The view from the master bedroom.
The most comfy couch EVER!
The dining room. I LOVE this rug!
We just relaxed for a little bit then we made plans to meet the rest of our crowd at the Dogfish Brewpub for lunch number 2. Since we had eaten tacos a couple hours before, we weren't very hungry. We decided to share a pizza. SO good! After lunch, we went to pick up our race packets. We weren't supposed to be able to pick them up until 4:00, but they were nice enough to give us our packets early. Our bags included a t-shirt, our race day bibs with 3 beer vouchers, a pint glass, a plastic cup, chapstick, a coupon for 10% off at the brewpub, a bottle opener, and a couple other odds and ends. We didn't expect the pint glass, so we were pretty excited.
We got back to the house and explored some more, lounged and made plans for dinner. We decided on taco night. Yes, I am totally fine with having tacos for lunch and dinner. We got hard and soft tacos with all the toppings and sides for a whopping $10 a couple. Score! After a quick trip to the grocery store, we were back and cooking dinner. We shared a few beers, had dinner, played Catch Phrase and did a mini beer tasting before crashing for the night. Half of us had to get up bright and early to go run 6.2 miles!
We got up early enough to have breakfast and relax in the sun room for a few minutes before we had to leave for the race. We were a good 45 minutes away from the brewery, so we had to leave pretty early. The 3 people who were not racing slept in and we planned to meet them after the race. We got there a little bit before the race. We enjoyed looking around at the costumes and other racers while we waited for the race to start.
Hubby and I pre-race!
The race started at 9:00 and we were off! You feel great at first because you're passing all the 5K walkers and such. The crowd REALLY thinned out once the 5K crowd and the 10K crowd separated. Josh and Dave stayed back with me until about the halfway point. Dave wanted to run for time so he sped up. Josh was going to stay back with me, but I finally convinced him to run ahead with Dave. He gave in, gave me a kiss, we wished each other luck and he ran up to catch up with Dave. The girl behind me said it was super cute and she wishes she would have had a camera for it. Haha. She and her husband separated at the beginning. We pretty much stayed together for the rest of the race.
While it would have been great to stay with Josh, I'm just not there yet, so I'm glad we separated. I was running faster than my pace to try not to hold him back, and he was running way slower than his pace. It wasn't good for either of us. If I would have kept pushing myself to run at that pace, I probably would have ended up having to walk part of the race and if he had to run at my slower pace with his long legs, it would have sucked for him. It bothers his knees to take short bouncy strides to stay at my pace.
It was very challenging and there were times that I wanted to walk, but I never gave in. I think part of it was that the girl I was sticking with never walked. I even jogged through the water stations and while sipping on my water. I refused to walk at all. Haha. My goal was to finish in a better time than my practice 10K, which was 1:10:54. My time in this race was 1:08:10. The details are below.
Dogfish Dash 5K/10K Road Races-2013September 29, 2013

Hubby met me and re-ran the last stretch with me. So sweet! On a side note, I totally could have passed that girl in front of me.
I do feel like I could have pushed myself a little harder and done a bit better. I definitely could have pushed to pass another person or 2 at the end, but I really had to pee and I did not want to be that girl. Haha. Josh and I both really enjoyed this race and we plan on running it again next year. My goal will be to finish in under an hour :-).
Post race brew!
After the race we were give 3 vouchers for beers and breakfast. We hung around to see the costume contest and to go on a brew tour. We have been on the tour once about a year ago, but it has changed so much! They are still undergoing renovations, so I hope to visit again next year to see what else is new. The new brewing room is AMAZING! The walls are cedar and it smells SO good! It's absolutely gorgeous.
Where do I apply?
Palo Santo barrels
Look at those nice cedar walls! It smelled amazing in here!

You can see inside the kettle! So cool!
After the tour and shopping around for some Dogfish gear, we decided to go to the brewpub for lunch again. This time, Josh got the Indulgence Burger (so yummy!) and I got the Short Rib Sloppy Joe. SOOOO GOOD! I will definitely try to make this at home at some point!
After lunch, we went back to the house to shower and clean everything up, then we made our way home. It was so beautiful and the weather was great! None of us wanted to leave. We're looking forward to this trip again next year!
YAY!! so glad y'all had fun! I hope that we can do it with y'all next year! :D