Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Favorites!

1) Date Night - Saturday night was date night for us! I LOVE date night. We try to have at least 2 a month, and we have done very well so far. We usually have more unless we have lots of visitors or if we travel a lot. Thank you, Groupon! Somehow, it still doesn't seem like enough though. Haha. We went to Talara in Baltimore. It is in a very nice area of Baltimore (yes, Baltimore actually does have a few nice areas). The food was great and we really liked the atmosphere. After dinner, we came back home and just talked for a while and played games. I got my butt handed to me in Scrabble, but we had a really great time. I'm glad we decided to leave the TV off Saturday night. It was very nice to just focus on each other. :-) 

2) ANOTHER Ravens win - I'm so excited, the Ravens are going to the Super Bowl! The game this past weekend was great! I don't like the Patriots at all, so that made it even better. Josh was off work Monday, so I was able to sleep in, meaning I could actually watch the whole game without being exhausted all day Monday. I believe this will be the first time ever that I care who wins the Super Bowl! Usually, I don't have strong feelings for/against either team and I just pick someone at the last minute, then I don't care after the game.

3) Nikki's Baby Shower - As I mentioned in my diaper cake post, I have a friend who is having triplets soon. Her baby shower was Sunday and it was HUGE! I've never been to a baby shower with so many people. This is the first time I've seen her in a few months, so she has grown a LOT! She's not due until May, but she expects to deliver sometime in March. I can't imagine how big her baby bumb will be by then! I'm so very excited for her and I can't wait to meet her 3 little girls!

4) Snow - We FINALLY got some snow! I haven't been paying attention to the weather, so I didn't expect it at all. I opened the door to take Bailey out and...SURPRISE! Bailey loves snow, so she was even more excited than I was. I took her out to use the bathroom and play in the snow a bit. She loves to try to catch snow balls, but the snow was SO dry, I ended up just throwing handfulls of snow at her. She loved that just as much. Since it was still dark outside, I decided to run in and grab her laser pointer. She LOVED chasing her red dot in the snow!

5) We paid off our last student loan!!! - This is HUGE for us! We're both SO excited to have this out of the way. Our original goal was to pay our student debt off within 2 years of getting married. Obviously, that didn't happen. We knew it wouldn't after we bought the house. It's OK though, we made it in less than 3. Now, the only interest bearing debt we have is the house and car! We still have a credit card with a balance, but there's no interest on it, so it's not a worry. We will pay it off before it starts to accrue interest. YAY!

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