Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Favorites!

I didn't do this last Friday, so I have some catching up to do.

1) Family Visit - My family came to visit the weekend before last. They hadn't been up here since April, so it was nice to catch up with them. Natalia made a little friend in our neighborhood, we went to a farm that had all sorts of animals, a pumpkin patch, hay ride and all sorts of things. We all had a lot of fun there. I'll post more about this later. They also took some of our pictures with us.

2) Short Week - Last week was a 2 day week for me and this week was a 4 day week. I LOVE short weeks!

3) Martins Visit - The Martins came to visit us last week. I'll post more about this later, but we had a great time!

4) Another State WIN - It was a game we definitely should not have won, but it was still a win. It was a really great game to be at. Not only that, but Duke won...against UNC! I couldn't have asked for a better Saturday.

5) Mike Glennon - We decided to hang out for a bit after the game and wait for the players to come out to the team bus. We got to take a picture with Mike Glennon! I know he was tired and ready to just get to the bus, but he was really nice!

6) Birthday Wreath - I've been wanting to make a burlap wreath to put on our door for Fall, but I was having trouble finding the burlap I wanted. Brittany surprised me with one for my birthday!!! She made the wreath and left it plain so I could decorate it how I wanted. I already had the decorations since I was planning on making one anyway. I LOVE how it turned out. I attached the decorations with floral wire so I can take them off and decorate it a little differently for other occasions.

 I LOVE the little scarecrow! He's so adorable.

7) Kegging - Yes friends, we finally starting kegging. This has been in the works for a while, but Josh didn't want me to say anything until it was finished. It's still not 100% finished, but it's close enough. We just have to add the top to our bar, and we'll be good to go! More pictures to come :-).

 Our first 2 beers on tap were our PunKinlaw Ale (YUM!) and a clone of Dogfish Head's 90 Minute IPA.

8) Date - We got up Monday morning (or afternoon) to get ready to take Anna and John to the airport. We decided that we should burn up some Groupons that we had sitting around and go out for a lunch date after we dropped them off at the airport. I had a small breakfast since I knew I was expecting a big lunch, so I was STARVING. Our Groupon included crab soup (we could pick cream of crab or MD crab). We both chose the cream of crab because it's a million times more delicious! By the time I finished that, I was almost full. It was a big bowl, not the little cup I was expecting. We still had a beer and a crab cake slider entree waiting for each of us! Let's just say I had crab cake sliders for lunch on Tuesday :-). We both love Annapolis, but we were just too exhausted to hang around after lunch. We made our way home.

9) Revenge - I started watching Revenge while Anna and John were still here. Josh resisted watching it with me at first. We watched a movie after getting home from our date in Annapolis, then he finally agreed to watch an episode or 2 to see if he likes it. We've been watching it every night before bed and we're almost half way through season 1!


  1. Punkinlaw Ale!!!??!! How appropriate! Wish I could travel to Maryland and enjoy it! One day soon for sure! Miss you!

  2. You're welcome to visit any time! Miss you too!
