After we got back from Atlanta, we stayed in NC to visit our family for a bit. I never take enough pictures when we visit, so I don't have many at all. I just get so lost in catching up with people I don't even think about it.
Anyway, we left Atlanta around 10:30 or so and got to my mother in law's house around 4:00 Saturday afternoon. I couldn't wait to go pick up Bailey, but we needed to drop off the mini fridge the Martins got Josh for his birthday to make room for her. We caught up with Josh's mom for a bit and told her all about the game, then we were off to my dad's house. Bailey's younger sister lives with my dad, so she's always excited to go over and play. She had a blast rolling in the dirt with Gia while we were away. My dad is always happy to keep Bailey. He told everybody he was keeping his granddaughter while we were in GA :-). He said she behaved well, but she didn't want to go outside by herself. She would bark to tell my dad she wanted to go out. Then as soon as he would let her out and close the door, she would bark to be let back in. Haha. Silly girl. I surprised her when I walked in at my dad's house. She was sleeping on the couch next to him. She woke up and looked at me when I opened the door. It took a second for her to register who we were because she was still half asleep, but we got a nice welcome "WOOF" and lots of kisses. We caught up with my dad and told him all about the game. We left one of our Pack Pilsners with him to drink during the game. I knew it would be too hoppy for him and he wouldn't like it, but I thought he would appreciate that it was red. Well, I didn't think to remind him to pour it in a glass. My dad isn't used to homebrews and he drank it straight from the bottle :-/. So not only did he not realize it was a red beer, he also drank some of the icky sediment that collects on the bottom of the bottle. Anyway, he didn't like how hoppy it was, but he drank it anyway because Josh and I made it. Haha.
After we left my dad's house, we went to visit Josh's dad. We decided to wash Bailey at his house so we wouldn't have to worry about her rolling around with dogs and getting dirty while she was still wet. Josh's dad has a little dog, but he's a bit cranky and doesn't care much for Bailey, so we don't have to worry about that happening at his house. She looked SO much whiter after we washed her. She HATES baths with a passion and she knew she was going to get one. She tried to jump off Josh when he picked her up and scratched him pretty bad in the process. She whined the entire time like she always does, but I'm sure she felt better. It took me quite a while to clean all the dirt out of her ears. I'm always amazed at how much dirt finds its way into her ears after she's been playing outdoors for a while. They're like magnets for dirt! After we washed Bailey, we watched a the Clemson v. Auburn game through halftime.
We left to go back to Josh's mom's so we could watch the second half there. Bailey was completely exhausted from playing at my dad's all weekend. She didn't want to miss out on anything though and she was so excited to see Aaron and Judy, so she wouldn't go to sleep. She was struggling to keep her eyes open. We all ended up going to bed not long after Clemson beat Auburn! We got up really early the next morning for Josh to go fishing with my cousin Bryan. I went to spend the day with my sister. Bailey was still exhausted, and I was pretty tired myself, so the 3 of us cuddled up on the couch to take a quick nap. Once we were all awake, Nikki and I went to Lowe's to pick out our new kitchen faucet. We had to run a couple other errands too, and Bailey ended up being in my sister's apartment by herself for 2 hours with 0 damage! YAY! She's gone that long before, but since she tore the carpet up about 3 months ago, we haven't left her out alone at home. I was kind of worried about her being in a new place all by herself, but she was an angel. It may or may not have had something to do with her being completely exhausted. :-). My sister and I spent the rest of the afternoon just catching up until Josh and Bryan got back to her apartment. Once everybody was back, we decided to play Trouble. It has been a LONG time since I've played that game. We ended up playing 3 games and had a lot of fun!
One of her napping at Nikki's house
We went back to Josh's mom's for dinner and to spend a little more time with her. Bailey was still tired. She's used to sleeping the majority of the day, so a couple naps just isn't enough for her. She was really excited to see Aaron and Judy. She loves playing with Aaron because he will let her play rough with him. She gets away with too much with him, but I guess that's what grandparents are for, right? Matt came in with his girlfriend and Bailey was really excited...until she realized there was a new person in the house. She was not OK with that. We put her to bed for a little while then let her back out. She was a little better, but she still wasn't comfortable having someone she didn't know around.
We made plans to go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast Monday morning. I was so excited because it's my favorite place to go for breakfast. We have a couple of them up here, but they're too far to drive for just a meal, so we always try to go while we're home. As always, it was delicious and I was ready for a nap afterward. Y'all, if you haven't tried their hash brown casserole, you're really missing out! It's amazing.
We went back to my sister's house for dinner Monday evening. This was the first time I got to see my mom and Natalia since we had been in town. Natalia had to show me her cartwheels and tell me about school. She showed me that the fish Josh and I got her for her Birthday was still alive. We all had dinner and just caught up for a while. The food was delicious and it was really nice to spend time with everyone together. After my parents left we tried to play another game of Trouble. It was a little more challenging to play it with Natalia. Haha. We ended up not finishing the game. You have to love the attention span of a 5 year old. Natalia had to go to school Tuesday morning (I can't believe she's already in Kindergarten!), so I put her to bed early. She laid down with me while we watched the VT v. GT game, then Josh put her in her own bed once she fell asleep. She was very chatty because she didn't want to go to bed yet, but it didn't take long for her to doze off. She is so funny sometimes. I was wearing my NC State class ring and she was looking at the Block S on it. She looked at me with the most serious face and said, "Aunt Kiss, how do you make an NC Steak?" It took me a few minutes to figure it out, but she was asking me how to draw a Block S. She is adorable and hilarious, I hate that I don't get to spend more time with her.
Bailey and Aunt Nikki napping during the football game. I love this pic.
Tuesday morning, Bailey was SO excited to see Natalia when she woke up. Natalia isn't a morning person at all, so I thought morning Bailey would be a bit much for her. Luckily, I was wrong. Bailey went in her room to give her good morning kisses and I think she was just as excited as Bailey was. We had french toast and bacon for breakfast then Natalia finished getting ready for school. I walked her down to the car to say our goodbyes. I love/hate our goodbye hugs. Natalia's normal hugs are very quick. When she knows she's not going to see you for a while, she hangs on really tight. So, I love her big hugs, but I hate that I won't get another one for a while.
This is my foot next to my 5 year old niece's foot. Can you believe that?!? Crazy.
We made it on the road a little before 9 Tuesday morning.
Bailey was either asleep or half asleep for 95% of the trip.
This is the part where she wasn't asleep. She smelled that delicious COOKOUT BBQ. Haha.
We had a great time visiting our families and catching up. This is the last time we will be going home until Thanksgiving, but both sides of the family are coming to visit in October, so we'll see them before long :-)
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