Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Favorites!

So, I think I may never catch up on my posts! Maybe I'll just be a sporadic poster. 

1) Promotion - We went out for a lunch meeting today, which was nice, but I found out I got promoted, which was VERY nice! I'm very excited and I'm looking forward to seeing where I go with the company. I'm still very sure I made the right decision when I left my old job in April.

2) Bailey - I love our silly pup. She brings so much joy to my life every day and she's so smart! She's making steady progress with learning to put her toys away (we still have a long way to go, but it's a difficult trick and it will pay off!) and we're working on her retrieving things for us too. I left a pack of crackers at the bottom of the stairs earlier in the week and after a few tries I was able to get her to bring them up to me! Josh has also been getting her to bring the newspaper upstairs to me on some mornings. 

3) Camp - This one is directly related to Bailey, but it deserves its own number. She's been super energetic lately since she's not getting as much play time (it's been extremely hot the past few weeks), so we were glad to take her to camp this week. She was exhausted! I had a meeting and didn't get home until late, plus we wanted to watch some of the Olympics so we were up a little later than usual. Bailey was ready for bed and she won't go upstairs to bed by herself, so she just looked at us, went to the stairs and sat down to wait for us to come to bed. She usually only does this if one of us is already upstairs and she's waiting on the other. This time she was just telling us it was time to go to bed. So cute! 

4) Olympics - I don't get REALLY into the Olympics, but I do enjoy them. I love watching gymnastics and I'm thrilled that our ladies have done so well! Way to go Team USA and Gabby! Our women haven't won a team gold since '96. Dominique Moceanu, my favorite gymnast growing up, was on that team. I always wanted to be in gymnastics and I would hop around the living room floor while acting like I was a gymnast. Haha. Silly kids.

2) Carboy Deal - I randomly went to Goodwill earlier in the week. While I was there I found a glass carboy for $8! It came with some of the siphoning equipment and a huge bottle brush too. I wasn't sure how big it was when I bought it, but I know that even the 5 gallon carboys run $30+, so I jumped on the deal. It turned out to be 5 gallons. It will be perfect for racking!

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