Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Favorites!

This week has been one of those really long weeks. The kind where the last thing I wanted to do is get up and go to work. But, that's why I do this, right? I'm glad I do.

1) Family - My dad, sister and niece came to visit us this weekend. Friday night we had dinner and Natalia and I baked treats for Bailey. She's such a good little helper :-) She just loved it and she kept asking when they were finished, "can we give Bailey a Bailey treat?" Haha.

 Not sure what's going on here, but she was into it! Please ignore the cluttered counter, we had just finished dinner dishes.

 I let her play with a little bit when we were finished

 She even washed her own dishes! When I told her she didn't have to do that, her response was "Well, somebody has to clean up around here." Famous quote from her Uma.

Oh, her silly faces.

Toy Story! We couldn't figure out why nothing was 3D, but we kept the glasses on anyway. Apparently you have to unlock those games.

Bailey was super interested in the wiimotes we kept swinging around. Haha.

2) Lasik - Josh got Lasik on Saturday. I'm really excited for him to not have to wear glasses or contacts anymore. It was initially a bit painful for him (he said it felt like having sand or salt water in your eyes and not being able to rub them or anything) but that has gone away. He still has a little bit of discomfort at times, but he's steadily improving. He will have to use preservative free eye drops several times a day for 3 months.

3) Lazy Sunday - Sunday morning we had to get up early for Josh to get his eyes checked. The Dr. said everything looked fine. After that we went to get breakfast with my family before they left to go home. We were mostly lazy for the rest of the day. I took a nap (which hardly ever happens anymore) while Josh played X-Box. We made BBQ together (YUM) then we watched some movies and shared some wine that we bought at a winery we visited in October. It was a very relaxing end to the weekend :-).

4) Bailey - I wrote a while back about Bailey's separation anxiety. Well, we've been working really hard on getting that taken care of and she's shown SO much progress. I read a book called I'll be Home Soon and it gave us some great ideas. It's tedious, but it works. We started by just doing part of our morning routine, crating her and stepping outside the door. We worked our way up to actually cranking the car, etc. We have been recording her some days for the first hour or so after we leave for work. She still barks some days, but not as loud and as long as before. Some days, she may just whine or howl a little bit. Some days not a peep. Either way, she's improving a lot and I'm so proud of her :-)

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