Thursday, December 29, 2011

Early Christmas in the Kinlaw House

As I mentioned in my last Friday Favorites post, we had Christmas at our house before we left for NC. We decided to do it on Wednesday. We were originally going to do it Thursday, mostly to avoid packing unnecessary gifts and driving them to NC then back up here. We realized how much we would have to do on Thursday, and decided to do it Wednesday instead. I'm REALLY glad we did, because Thursday was really busy. 

Our tree needs more lights, and we probably should have taken pictures before we opened half the gifts.

I'm always excited about Christmas, but I was even more excited this year. It's Bailey's first Christmas! I've been looking forward to giving her gifts :-) We got her a new bed, a couple stuffed toys, some balls, a rope with a ball, a freeze dried shish kabob treat and a big bone. She chewed through 2 balls and chewed the ball off the rope within about 30 minutes. We'll have to stick to tennis balls (we got a few of those too) since the doggy balls won't hold up for us. We wrapped the shish kabob and let her rip it open. It was so much fun! 
Look at those holes!


This hamburger was too cute! It had a hole in it in 5 minutes.

Since we've been married, we've gotten a joint gift, then separate gifts. I assume we'll continue to do this. This year, our joint gift was this carpet cleaner (and yes, I'm actually excited about using it...we just have to find a free weekend). The price came down a lot from when we were originally looking at it, so I was really excited about that! Josh's mom has the older model and she loves it. We were going to get a TV for the state room, but once it was time for Christmas, football season was almost over. We hadn't found any amazing deals, so we decided to hold off. We're planning on looking again around Super Bowl time to see what kind of deals we can find then. If we don't find what we're looking for then, we'll probably get one just before football season starts again. So...that may or may not be a late joint Christmas present.

I got Josh a glass carboy for brewing. A plastic one came with the kit I got him for his birthday and he's been wanting a glass one for a while now. I got him the new Call of Duty a couple months back, and he insisted that it should be a Christmas present. That would have been our budget if I would have listened. Since it was so long ago, and since I wanted him to have at least a few surprises, I decided to only count it as a fraction of a gift. Haha. I got him a couple other little things that he's mentioned over the past few months.
This is the only picture I got of either of us with our gifts.

When Josh asked me what I wanted for Christmas, all I could think of was a Kindle and a couple house related things. He decided against house related things because he wanted me to have something I would enjoy. I didn't get to open the Kindle during our early Christmas because Josh had it shipped to his mom's house. It would have been obvious if a little Amazon box showed up at our front door. Haha. I knew I was getting it because I had an Amazon gift card in my stocking. I've used it for Kindle accessories and a couple books :-) That alone would have been a little more than what we planned to spend on each other since he paid extra for the Kindle without the ads (I had no idea they even had ads!). I did get to open a couple small gifts though. Josh had picked up some of the things I wanted to buy myself on Black Friday. He talked me out of spending my money. So thoughtful. :-)

We had a great Christmas and I really enjoyed the time we got to spend with just the 3 of up :-)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea! :D I loved being able to run through your year :D I am so glad we got to be apart of so much of it. I look forward to this year being similar!

    Ps. Ima still this idea :D
