Monday, May 23, 2011

Bailey's Progress Report

I know this is late but we were moving ALL weekend. :-) I'll try to have a more detailed (and on time) one this week.

Bailey is doing really well with her training inside. She's doing great with sit, down, come & stay (most of the time for stay). We've even started teaching her how to high five! This was actually an accident but it was super cute & she's good at it so we've continued to work on it. Outside...she's showing improvement, but not as much as I would like. She doesn't get as much outside training as she needs to and she gets VERY distracted by other dogs. We've been getting a lot of rain, so her outside time on some days has been limited to short walks for her to use the bathroom. 

Potty Training
She has only had 1 accident while we were home this week. This was my fault, I wasn't paying attention to her. I think we were leaving a little too much water for her during the day while we were at work because she was peeing SO much! We have decreased her water a little this week & she isn't peeing as much. She still chews her potty pads up.

Bailey's Victims
Bailey has done very well in the chewing department until this week. She hasn't chewed anything except her potty pads & boxes we left under the bed until this week. I have been missing my sunglasses for about a week now. Bailey found them. Now they are in 2 pieces. Another day this week we came home & found small pieces of leather chewed up. We couldn't figure out where it came from. I thought she ate something at first. Then I looked was one of the handles from a small chest we got as a wedding gift :-/. I think one of the reasons she has chewed stuff up this week is because she's been getting less play time. We've been so busy with house stuff we just try to tire her out really quickly. We're working on this :-) So far we're doing better than I expected. Now that I said that, I'm sure she'll make me regret it. Once we get in our house she won't be staying in the bedroom while we're at work. We'll put her in the foyer since there is less to mess up & there is no carpet.

 Luckily, these were only $10

 The handle. Hopefully I can find some sort of replacement.

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