Last weekend my dad, sister & niece came to visit Josh and I. We took them to DC on Saturday. It was a perfect fall day...a huge improvement from the last time we took them. We took them to the National Aquarium & to look at some of the monuments & museums. It wasn't as crowded as it was when we took Josh's family so that was nice. Here are a few pictures from our trip.
Josh and I...I love my sister, but she isn't the greatest photographer ;-)
Me with my dad, sister & niece...Josh is a little better but he still didn't get the top of the monument
Trying to be artistic...I don't remember taking this so I guess Josh did it...I like it :-)
Pretty coralish stuff & a fish.
You can't really tell in this picture, but this lobster is HUGE!!!
Overall it was a great weekend! I made dinner for everyone on Friday. We had a great time Saturday in DC. It was really good to get to spend some time with my family since I don't get to see them much anymore. We went to TGIFriday's for dinner & it was delicious as always. I'm not huge on chain restaurants but that's one I do like. They left out early on Sunday & Josh & I spent the rest of the day relaxing. The only thing that kept last weekend from being perfect is State losing to ECU & UVA losing to the Holes :-/ It was NOT a good day for football. Unfortunately, our record is 5-2 now. UGH!
Overall it was a great weekend! I made dinner for everyone on Friday. We had a great time Saturday in DC. It was really good to get to spend some time with my family since I don't get to see them much anymore. We went to TGIFriday's for dinner & it was delicious as always. I'm not huge on chain restaurants but that's one I do like. They left out early on Sunday & Josh & I spent the rest of the day relaxing. The only thing that kept last weekend from being perfect is State losing to ECU & UVA losing to the Holes :-/ It was NOT a good day for football. Unfortunately, our record is 5-2 now. UGH!
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