This is all the excitement leading up to Mason's 11th month!
Mason finally got his first tooth! I'm still breastfeeding, so I consider it a blessing that he just now got a tooth! I've been feeling his gums forever and I've been able to feel his teeth below the surface, but nothing that felt like it was about to pop through soon. We were at Josh's mom's one weekend and I noticed his hands were constantly in his mouth. He's been known to chew on his hands, but this was definitely more than usual. I decided to take a little feel and sure enough, he had his first tooth! He got his bottom left central incisor first.
Mason is all about sticking his tongue out. He makes no exception when I try to look at his gums.
No joke, the kid's bottom lip is like a button that makes his tongue pop out. Look at those eyes!<3 p="">3>
He got to have fun with some of his cousins while we were at his Nana's house.
How adorable are these two?!?
His older cousin showing him how he likes to play with blocks.
Mason also started crawling this month! He's been trying to pull up to stand and didn't have much interest in being on all fours until a few weeks ago, so I was starting to think he was going to skip crawling all together. He took his time learning to crawl, but now that he's getting around, I also consider it a blessing that he didn't do that until 10 months! It's a LOT more work keeping up with this kid now!

He started trying to eat our Aloe plant, so we had to move it.
He learned to crawl under my desk pretty quickly.
He's standing up in his crib, so Josh lowered the crib mattress.

We also transitioned Mason to his big boy car seat! I loved the convenience of his infant seat, and he has not outgrown it yet, but he does seem a little cramped in it. Until he outgrows it, it will be our backup seat in the Honda. The convertible seat has taken some getting used to, but now that we've been using it for a couple weeks, I love it! He seems to be more comfortable in it and I really think he likes sitting in a more upright position a lot better!
Mason also started crawling this month! He's been trying to pull up to stand and didn't have much interest in being on all fours until a few weeks ago, so I was starting to think he was going to skip crawling all together. He took his time learning to crawl, but now that he's getting around, I also consider it a blessing that he didn't do that until 10 months! It's a LOT more work keeping up with this kid now!

He started trying to eat our Aloe plant, so we had to move it.
He learned to crawl under my desk pretty quickly.
He's standing up in his crib, so Josh lowered the crib mattress.

We also transitioned Mason to his big boy car seat! I loved the convenience of his infant seat, and he has not outgrown it yet, but he does seem a little cramped in it. Until he outgrows it, it will be our backup seat in the Honda. The convertible seat has taken some getting used to, but now that we've been using it for a couple weeks, I love it! He seems to be more comfortable in it and I really think he likes sitting in a more upright position a lot better!