This past month has been very exciting!
We introduced solids!
It has been an adventure for sure! We decided that we would like to try babyled weaning and it's going great so far! Basically, he feeds himself real foods instead of us spoon feeding him purees. The idea is that he will learn to chew then swallow, rather than swallow then chew. This method of introducing solids also exposes him to a wide variety of textures early on. He eats with us at our dinner times and he eats what we eat for the most part. I absolutely love it! It's messy for sure, and sometimes, he does get frustrated when he has trouble picking up a particular food, but he has come such a long way in a short time and I love watching him learn! He has made faces that would make you think he doesn't like a food, but then he puts it right back in his mouth and eventually seems to enjoy it. Some foods, he loves right away.
So far, he's tried:
Black beans
* French toast
* Peanut butter
* Chicken
Mashed potatoes
* Sweet potatoes
* Carrots
* Red cabbage
* Yogurt
Red bell peppers
Green Bell Peppers
* Steak
Green Beans
x Radishes
So far, he's tried:
Black beans
* French toast
* Peanut butter
* Chicken
Mashed potatoes
* Sweet potatoes
* Carrots
* Red cabbage
* Yogurt
Red bell peppers
Green Bell Peppers
* Steak
Green Beans
x Radishes
Black bean quesadillas
Chicken Teriyaki
Mexican Quinoa
x Overnight oats
* = favorites
x = doesn't like
I like our record so far!

Here he is eating a quesadilla. Totally worth the mess!
Black bean quesadillas
Chicken Teriyaki
Mexican Quinoa
x Overnight oats
* = favorites
x = doesn't like
I like our record so far!

Here he is eating a quesadilla. Totally worth the mess!
The downside to solids (other than the mess)...poop. We've had quite a few poop adventures. I'll just leave it at that.

He started daycare the day before he turned 7 months old! Josh and I took this day off work and used it as a date day, so it really wasn't very hard. It was basically like we got a babysitter for the day. We love date nights and we obviously don't go on as many dates as before Mason arrived. We think we'll make this a semi-regular thing! He did really well! He ate well and even took 2 naps! I didn't think he would have any issues eating, but I really didn't expect him to nap well. I was pleasantly surprised! He seems happy there and we really like his teachers! Mom daycare fail already...we thought Monday was pajama day, but it was not. At least he was comfy!
He's developing SO much and has learned a lot in this past month! He is sitting so much better! He will sit an play for a long time. He has gotten much better at rolling and seems to love tummy time now. He's rolled over then back the same way he came a few times, but he hasn't done a full 360 yet. He isn't crawling and really only shows minimum interest in trying right now. He does scoot quite a bit. He is pretty good at entertaining himself if he has a couple toys (or clothes) to keep him occupied. He really enjoys his toys, but I really think he's equally happy to play with a sock or something a lot of times. He still loves music and lights. I'm pretty sure all babies do.
His favorite toy right now is Scout. He sings and says Mason's name. Josh and I will jokingly sing the songs randomly.

He started daycare the day before he turned 7 months old! Josh and I took this day off work and used it as a date day, so it really wasn't very hard. It was basically like we got a babysitter for the day. We love date nights and we obviously don't go on as many dates as before Mason arrived. We think we'll make this a semi-regular thing! He did really well! He ate well and even took 2 naps! I didn't think he would have any issues eating, but I really didn't expect him to nap well. I was pleasantly surprised! He seems happy there and we really like his teachers! Mom daycare fail already...we thought Monday was pajama day, but it was not. At least he was comfy!
He's developing SO much and has learned a lot in this past month! He is sitting so much better! He will sit an play for a long time. He has gotten much better at rolling and seems to love tummy time now. He's rolled over then back the same way he came a few times, but he hasn't done a full 360 yet. He isn't crawling and really only shows minimum interest in trying right now. He does scoot quite a bit. He is pretty good at entertaining himself if he has a couple toys (or clothes) to keep him occupied. He really enjoys his toys, but I really think he's equally happy to play with a sock or something a lot of times. He still loves music and lights. I'm pretty sure all babies do.
His favorite toy right now is Scout. He sings and says Mason's name. Josh and I will jokingly sing the songs randomly.
He absolutely loves his dog!
I started let him take naps with a blanket since that's how he'll sleep at daycare and I can keep an eye on him. He's starting to look like a little boy and it warms and breaks my heart all at the same time!
We're still going to swim class and he's really warming up to it! His favorite part is absolutely the kiddie pool after class!
He rocked his green shirt on St. Paddy's Day.
He gives "kisses" and they're the best ever!
I know I say it every month, and every parent says it, but they really do grow so fast! Just seeing how much easier it is for him to put a piece of food in his mouth now than it was when we first started solids amazes me. He's growing and learning faster than I can keep up and I am loving having a front row seat to all of it!