Y'all, we have a one month old!!!
At our appointment (which we actually had at 5 weeks), Mason weighed 10lb 6oz and he was 23in long. He's growing so fast!
I haven't blogged much since he's been here. I've really been enjoying my time bonding with Mason - and really with Josh and Bailey too. We're all adjusting well and I love our little family! Here's an update of our past month together.
At our appointment (which we actually had at 5 weeks), Mason weighed 10lb 6oz and he was 23in long. He's growing so fast!
I haven't blogged much since he's been here. I've really been enjoying my time bonding with Mason - and really with Josh and Bailey too. We're all adjusting well and I love our little family! Here's an update of our past month together.
Week 1
For the majority of our first week, we had one of our moms staying with us. Josh's mom stayed the first 2 nights and my mom stayed the next 2. We weren't sure if we would want to have anyone staying with us at first, but in the end, we were really grateful to have someone around to help out. It gave us both the time to focus on getting to know our brand new baby! The first week was interesting. It was so much fun! Even though we were tired and exhausted, it was so exciting to take care of Mason...even in the middle of the night. We were waking him up every couple hours to feed him and change his diaper. He slept in the rock n play beside our bed for the first couple nights. The first night or 2, Josh had to wake me up. I didn't hear any of Mason's noises or the alarm clock. I was surprised that Josh heard so much. I've watched him sleep through a fire alarm before, so I never thought a little baby noise would wake him up. Haha. Josh would get up and change Mason's diaper, then bring him to me so I could feed him. He would bring me snacks and make sure I had water. He even brought me breakfast in bed one morning (we don't eat in bed...ever - so that was actually kind of weird) and fed me while I fed Mason. lol. We had our 2 day visit with our nurses from the birthing center. Mason and I were both doing great! Mason ripped his umbilical cord out when he was 5 days old! It was scary, but he was fine. We had some newborn pictures taken and I love them! Here's a link to Tristin's website with his pictures.
We had some latch issues to work on and one of the midwives at the birthing center recommended trying a chiropractor. Mason had a high bite and his chin was set kind of far back and she was able to help us out SO much! Once we got the latch issues taken care of, breastfeeding has gone pretty smoothly.
We had some latch issues to work on and one of the midwives at the birthing center recommended trying a chiropractor. Mason had a high bite and his chin was set kind of far back and she was able to help us out SO much! Once we got the latch issues taken care of, breastfeeding has gone pretty smoothly.
Later in the week, we had Mason's first appointment with the pediatrician. That also went well.

On his way to the pediatrician. He was 4 days old here.
Here are some of my favorite newborn pictures
Week 2
We started getting out a little during Mason's 2nd week. We had a 2 week appointment with his pediatrician. Since it's right across the street from a shopping center, we decided to grab Chic-Fil-A for breakfast and stop to pick up some clothes for me. I didn't plan postpartum clothing as well as I thought I had!
First walk in the neighborhood
Mason had his first real bath this week!

Pre-bath...not so sure about this...
Post bath. He did great!
Week 3
We continued to get out a little during Mason's 3rd week. When he turned 3 weeks, we celebrated by going to Lake Johnson for a walk and getting ice cream.
Milk coma
Daddy with his mini-me

Mason's first trip to NC State (outside my belly) and Bailey's first trip back since she was just a puppy!
Week 4
Week 4 was daddy's last week at home. We tried to make the most out of it, but we also relaxed a lot. We went to the beach for the day during this last week. We stopped by Ferguson's in St. Pauls on the way so we could get some food and Mason could meet some old friends. Mason did great on the ride to the beach and didn't get fussy unless he had a dirty diaper or got hungry. We went to Carolina beach and walked on the boardwalk, relaxed on the swings a little and walked on the beach. Mason slept through all of this. We grabbed a late lunch/early dinner after this and Mason stayed awake to stare at the fans the whole time. On the way back from the beach, he was a little fussier. I think he was just tired of being in his car seat. He was also starting to get hungry before we made it home. We enjoyed ourselves, but we were exhausted!
We went to visit Josh's co-workers and go out to lunch with them later in the week. Mason was great and he enjoyed his first trip to Daddy's office!
Mason also started sleeping in his crib through the night this week!
This little guy just melts my heart!