2013 was a pretty eventful year. Here's what happened...
We spent New Years at home with the Smiths. Low key, but a great time!
We paid off the last of our student loans!!! Woohoo!
Bailey turned 2. I can't believe how much she has grown!
The Ravens won the Super Bowl and we took off a day of work to go to the parade.
Our friends Nikki & Bryan had their beautiful triplets 2.5 months early, the day before our dating anniversary!
We celebrated our 12th dating anniversary! We went to Flying Dog for our first tour then out to dinner with friends. We had a great time!!!

Josh's cousin got married in VA.

Love weddings!
We FINALLY finished our bar.
We got the biggest snow of the "Winter" on March 25th.
We got sod put in and our yard looks SO much better!

Before and immediately after. It's still pretty green in January!
We celebrated Easter with my family here.
Natalia stayed a week with us.
updated our master bathroom by painting, replacing the light fixtures, faucets and mirrors, AND by painting the cabinets and adding new hardware.

Cabinets Before Cabinets After

We went from this...

To this.
Our niece, Ally was born!
We celebrated the 2nd anniversary of us buying our home!
We went to NC for Sherry & Aaron's wedding!
We went to NC for Natalia's 6th birthday party
We had to replace our HVAC.
I finally reached my goal weight (then put it back on over the next few months).
I hosted my sister's baby shower.
We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary in Mexico!
...during hurricane season
I ran my first 5K/Mud Run!
Baby Zachary was born
Our nephew, Jaden was born!
We took Bailey for her first hike.
We updated the guest bathroom.
I ran my first 10K.

I finished in 1:08:10. My goal is to finish in less than an hour this year.
We went to Busch Garden's for Jen's birthday.
We flooded our kitchen and ruined the ceiling in the State room.
...then we fixed it
We went to Raleigh for the State v. Clemson game.
We went camping with Bailey for the first time.
We went to California!
We bought our SUV!
We celebrated Christmas at our house.
I got a Vitamix AND we got a new camera. We got a Canon 60D! Now to learn how to use it :-)
Bailey posing for the new camera :-)
We went to NC to spend Christmas with our family and friends.
Then we ended 2013 just the way we started it. Hanging out here with the Smiths. Except this time, baby Zachary was with us!